In max in order to get transparent texture(using gradients for example) with lights all I have to do is to change their alpha mode or something like that... either way its doable. Is there a way to do it in maya? As far as I can tell its not possible as file node dont have that option, can we have a tick for vray light to enable any input texture to have a transparency taken from image or even better be able to plug in custom transparency/cutout map?
Thanks, bye.
In max in order to get transparent texture(using gradients for example) with lights all I have to do is to change their alpha mode or something like that... either way its doable. Is there a way to do it in maya? As far as I can tell its not possible as file node dont have that option, can we have a tick for vray light to enable any input texture to have a transparency taken from image or even better be able to plug in custom transparency/cutout map?
Thanks, bye.