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ICC Profiles for render view

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  • ICC Profiles for render view

    As I am using Wide Gamut Display's at home and at work for Rendering. I always wonder why no 3D Application supports using Display Color Profiles. The only one i know is Lightwave which supports ICC profiles.

    All renders are viewed in Monitor RGB. Which if you use a WideGamut Display equals the AdobeRGB Color Range and is wrong.

    It would be really nice if the VRay Frame buffer would support this, so that i do not have to double check my renders in Photoshop all the time.

  • #2
    The V-Ray frame buffer has had support for ICC profiles for some time now. Not sure if this is in the official builds on the site, but it's in the nightlies for sure.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      oh, i didn't know! Thanks a lot. Thats awesome! Already mailed the support for Nightly access.

      best regards,
      Last edited by syrez; 06-03-2013, 08:41 AM.


      • #4
        I'm pretty sure it's in the offical builds. I recal seeing this a while ago.

        The SRGB button in the VFB is a flyout button, it can toggle between srgb and icc. I just don't know what to load in there for a profile...I have a color munki, and profile my displays often, but not sure if the display profile is what we should be loading in there...


        • #5
          Here is a short example how to assign ICC profile into VFB:

          1.Click and hold sRGB button > a small menu will pop out , and select ICC (use ICC color correction) button.
          2.The go to Show Collor Corrections control
          3.Scroll down to ICC Color Correction tab and turn it on.
          4.Next from the Load button you can load *.ICC files.

          Here you can download ICC profiles from Adobe :

          Click image for larger version

Name:	1.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	264.3 KB
ID:	847065Click image for larger version

Name:	2.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	266.6 KB
ID:	847066
          Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
          Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


          • #6
            thanks a lot! got access to the nightlies now, will check it out soon!


            • #7
              Problem is that you really need to specify a "working color space" and a "monitor profile" to display correct colors. Lets say you work with sRGB textures, then working space should be sRGB. The rendered image should then be converted from sRGB to the monitor profile space. If you work with adobeRGB textures, then the conversion should be from adobeRGB to monitor profile space. Don't know if there is some sort of utility that can merge this process into one single icc-profile....


              • #8
                Svetlozar, do you have any input as to what we should be loading for an ICC profile? Would AdobeRGB be best, or if we created a monitor profile, would we load that instead?

                Even if our VFB is showing corrected colors using an ICC profile, does VRay take into account the embedded profile of the texture maps?

                I've been saving all of my textures in the AdobeRGB profile because it most closely matches the display range of my monitor. When I load the AdobeRGB ICC correction in the VFB, my render colors definitely shift (most noticeable in the reds) , but I can't tell which one looks correct.

                I'm thinking the proper workflow (for a wide gamut monitor)is:
                Save images out of photoshop with the AdobeRGB profie
                In the VFB, enable ICC correction and load the AdobeRGB profile and save the render
                Open the render in photoshop, apply the AdobeRGB profile
                When sending to clients, convert the AdobeRGB profile to sRGB and save the image

                Does this sound correct?



                • #9
                  Hello jpmartin

                  I did a quick test with AdobeRGB1998 profile assigned into ICC color correction options in VFB and the same profile assigned in GIMP profiles and I should say that the result is identical.

                  Even if our VFB is showing corrected colors using an ICC profile, does VRay take into account the embedded profile of the texture maps?

                  Yes Vray takes into account embedded profiles , but since Vray needs linear data in order to produce correct result all embedded profiles should be removed.
                  Please view the attached screen-shot and scene - I have used PNG file with sRGB profile and when I load this file into Maya I assigned Vray Texture Correction attribute with reverse sRGB profile.
                  What this option does is to remove sRGB curve from the texture and work with its linear data- this is vital for every texture with any color-profile.
                  Vray assumes that every loaded texture is linear , and if it is not the end result won't be correct - that's why you have to either remove any profiles from every picture with external software or to use Vray's/Maya's tools to do it.
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	screen-shot.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	272.2 KB
                  Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
                  Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


                  • #10
                    Thanks Svetlozar! I'll give this a look over the weekend.

