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A faster IPR using cpu

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  • #31
    Originally posted by sharktacos View Post
    These look like they are about modifying the intensity of lights. My suggestion is more about modifying the position/orientation of a light based on clicking where you want the spec to appear on an object in the render view.
    Something like this then? (Leuchtkraft v1.60 update)
    always curious...


    • #32
      More like this video from HDR Light Studio. They call it "click to light." The difference is that instead of generating an HDR map, the functionality I'm suggesting would move actual lights in Maya (HDR Light Studio can do that too, but as a second step).


      • #33
        Originally posted by sharktacos View Post
        More like this video from HDR Light Studio. They call it "click to light." The difference is that instead of generating an HDR map, the functionality I'm suggesting would move actual lights in Maya (HDR Light Studio can do that too, but as a second step).
        Yeah, that feature is in HDR Light Studio for a while.... Totally second this feature suggestion and I am praying.
        always curious...


        • #34
          sharktacos, you realy recocnice that tool?

          the actual brandnew update

          It can do the most of HDR Studio......
          ...but inside maya with all real lights!
          ...repositioning, zooming, and much much more
          And you can buy it for 90€ and use it livetime!!!
          A wonderfull workflow and production speed improvement!!!
          I stoped using HDR Studio after version 3 - too expensive, and now only for rent....WOW
          Last edited by Komposer; 31-01-2017, 08:12 AM.
          Vray 3.5, Win10


          • #35
            Originally posted by Komposer View Post
            It is not my intent to endorse any particular software here. I am simply illustrating a cool functionality that I am requesting in Vray.


            • #36
              thats correct man.
              I made last week my first Redshift job, and could write a long list of cool functionality which I would wish for Vray...
              Vray 3.5, Win10


              • #37
                Originally posted by Komposer View Post
                could write a long list of cool functionality which I would wish for Vray...
                Can you do that? I'm certainly interested to see it.

                Best regards,
                I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                • #38
                  hi Vlado...I´ll list some of them...more later
                  1. subdivision flag to a group node (per obfect properties in vray possible?)
                  2. while rendering with ipr update of display layers on/off
                  3. absolute no mouse and complete system struggles (I must set vray to 100 instead of default 196 to archive a nearly normal working speed)
                  4. much much faster starting of IPR
                  5. extrem fast and detailed displacement (much more detailed than vray, but in nearly realtime)
                  6. And this is for me one of the biggest points, IPR CUDA should render the same result than CPU, nearly would be enough
                  ...more later
                  samples possible...
                  Vray 3.5, Win10


                  • #39
                    Just to add to the list: the sprite material looks VERY usefull:



                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Komposer View Post
                      1. subdivision flag to a group node (per obfect properties in vray possible?)
                      Select the group, go to Create > V-Ray > V-Ray Displacement > Add single VRayDisplacement node to selection; then with the VRayDisplacement node selected, go to the Attribute Editor, Attributes > VRay > Subdivision. This will cause all objects in the group to be rendered as subdivision surfaces. You can also apply the same VRayDisplacement node to multiple groups/objects and control the subdivision settings from one place. It's a bit more circuitous way, but it's also more poweful. And it can be scripted easily.

                      2. while rendering with ipr update of display layers on/off
                      V-Ray IPR looks at the render layers, not at the display layers. In the V-Ray IPR tab, in the Advanced section, turn on the option "Restart when the Render Layer changes".

                      3. absolute no mouse and complete system struggles
                      This is fixed in the upcoming 3.5.

                      4. much much faster starting of IPR
                      This will be fixed in V-Ray 3.5.

                      5. extrem fast and detailed displacement (much more detailed than vray, but in nearly realtime)
                      This is true, we don't have the autobump option for the GPU as we have on the CPU. It's on the "to do" list however.

                      6. And this is for me one of the biggest points, IPR CUDA should render the same result than CPU, nearly would be enough
                      We'll never get to this point; we will get closer with each release, but if you wait for 1:1 parity, it's better to set your expectation straight. Redshift has no CPU version, so they don't have this problem (then again, they don't have a lot of V-Ray features either).

                      On the whole though, I'm somewhat pleasantly surprised by your list; could have been a lot worse

                      Best regards,
                      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by pechart View Post
                        Just to add to the list: the sprite material looks VERY usefull:
                        We won't be doing this.

                        Best regards,
                        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by vlado View Post
                          V-Ray IPR looks at the render layers, not at the display layers. In the V-Ray IPR tab, in the Advanced section, turn on the option "Restart when the Render Layer changes".Vlado
                          Vlado, will having IPR respecting the display layers changes break the "respecting render layer" feature? If not, it is handy to have the IPR respect the display layer visibility sometimes. I guess turning on and off display layers is different from typical hiding/unhiding objects because IPR does work with hiding/unhiding objects but not the display layers.
                          always curious...


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by jasonhuang1115 View Post
                            Vlado, will having IPR respecting the display layers changes break the "respecting render layer" feature?
                            Probably not... will make a note to look into it.

                            Best regards,
                            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                            • #44
                              hi Vlado, thanks for your feedback.
                              1. will find that procedure...and yes, vray is realy more flexible
                              2. seems so, that I´m not the only one who would be happy with that feature. Correct is, that we can search in the outliner all what we need to hide or unhide...
                              But first need that more time and second could it be, that one "no unhided" object is on an dipsLayer, which is OFF
                              Generally would these option speedup the tweaking workflow for me...
                              3-4. sounds very interesting, will see what you mean when it´s up
                              5. first - the autobump feature is not so interesting for me, switch it off in most cases and use a fine bump map.
                              But I made some tests without this feature and at first I thought that RS is faster and more precise, but in this moment I´m not so sure. Will do more tests in the next days.
                              6. OK I understand your arguments absolute. What me made sometimes realy angry, was, that I buyed a gtx980ti, a bigger power supply, a bigger case for my mastermachine and...which costs more than 1000€.
                              I did that, because I red about production GPU render, x times faster and hoped to save many time, whith tweaking my projects, lights, shaders, etc. with CUDA performance. This was 18 month before.
                              And in these whole time, there was nearly no IPR render (speak now only about shader tweaking) which gives me a usefull result.

                              A short list, what I remember in this moment:
                              Your own color correct tool was not supported - but connected in many of my scenes...must use remapHSV
                              Maya Triplanar will shows huge different results...
                              Vray Triplanar shows huge different results...
                              Bump Maps shows huge different results...
                              And I think some things more, but can´t remember in this moment.
                              But these only few examples are the most and only tools I need to archive nice results.

                              So my cheap GPU invest sleeps nearly all the time - for nothing. More than one time I thought about to resell the nice stuff.

                              Will not compare apples with oranges. Vray is a still a monster powerfull engine for me.
                              Made in the last 5 years, or more?! the best images ever in my whole 3D live.
                              The functionality is much more than I will ever realize, and certainly the best on market I think.
                              But to do a freelance job on Redshift last week, made me speechless.
                              With the same speed of my complete 10 host 360GHz vray minifarm, I tewaked with my gtx980ti textures, lights, shaders, etc., with permanently a nearly final result before my eyes in most 2-5 seconds.
                              And all that, with ablosute no restriction between IPR and final render except the Quality.
                              That was a wow effect...speachless..

                              Chears, Jörg
                              Vray 3.5, Win10


                              • #45
                                The thing with the GPU is, if you want to use it, you have to stick with it from the beginning of you project rather than trying to take your files mid-project and switch to GPU. Then you won't have a problem with things turning out different. I agree the IPR part is not perfect in V-Ray, but we'll get there.

                                Best regards,
                                I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

