We have uploaded a new open beta build (3.00.07) on the website; you can get it at
Here is the change log from the build :
Build 3.00.07 (31.07.2015)
New features:
(*) Support for MODO 901;
(*) Nodal Shading: Support for the "Texture switch" "Shader input" node (MODO 901);
(*) Render Cache: Initial support for directly rendering (without baking) geometry generated by :
(*) UI VFB: The VFB can now be docked inside the MODO 901 interface;
(*) V-Ray Atmospheres: Added the V-Ray Environment Fog atmosphere;
(*) V-Ray Atmospheres: Added the V-Ray Toon atmosphere;
(*) V-Ray Geometry: Added the V-Ray Clipper;
(*) V-Ray Materials: Added a V-Ray Switch material. It switches between its sub-materials based on
Modified features:
(*) Camera: If a non-standard projection type is used together with a V-Ray physical camera,
(*) Image Map: Support for the final Substance plug-in for MODO 801/901.
(*) Lights: V-Ray will now use the "Shadow/Photon size" parameter of the Direcional light,
(*) MODO Material : Improved support:
(*) RT Updates: Improved camera updates:
Bug fixes:
(*) Nodal Shading: Fixed the "Color correct" channel modifier not working in V-Ray in MODO 901;
(*) Render Elements: Fixed the velocity render element (i.e. motion output) not working, when motion
(*) RT Updates: Fixed crashes when using the "Array" set of tools and RT CPU/GPU is running;
(*) UI VFB: Fixed the Render History settings not being saved(sometimes) to MODO's preferences;
Vladimir Nedev
We have uploaded a new open beta build (3.00.07) on the website; you can get it at
Here is the change log from the build :
Build 3.00.07 (31.07.2015)
New features:
(*) Support for MODO 901;
(*) Nodal Shading: Support for the "Texture switch" "Shader input" node (MODO 901);
(*) Render Cache: Initial support for directly rendering (without baking) geometry generated by :
- MODO Fur material
- MODO Mesh Fusion objects
No animation/RT support. Available in MODO 901 or later. Disabled by default.
Can be enabled from the V-Ray Global Preferences : "Use Render Cache" option;
(*) Render Outputs: Added support for masking of Alpha render outputs;(*) UI VFB: The VFB can now be docked inside the MODO 901 interface;
(*) V-Ray Atmospheres: Added the V-Ray Environment Fog atmosphere;
(*) V-Ray Atmospheres: Added the V-Ray Toon atmosphere;
(*) V-Ray Geometry: Added the V-Ray Clipper;
(*) V-Ray Materials: Added a V-Ray Switch material. It switches between its sub-materials based on
the value of its "input value" texture. The sub-materials are connected using the Schematic.
Each of the sub-material slots accepts more than one connected material. Textures connected
to "input value" must have values between 0 and 1;
(*) V-Ray Volumes: Added a V-Ray Volume material, which has similar parameters to V-Ray EnvironmentFog, but can be applied to objects using the Shader Tree. This material can be used together
with the normal surface materials to specify the volume of objects. A mesh layer in the MODO
scene can have only one volume material specified (and many surface materials);
Modified features:
(*) Camera: If a non-standard projection type is used together with a V-Ray physical camera,
the physical camera will now be used only for exposure;
(*) Image Map: Support for the "Alpha Only" and "Ignore" options of the "Alpha Channel" channel;(*) Image Map: Support for the final Substance plug-in for MODO 801/901.
Substances are now updated in V-Ray RT in MODO 801/901.
Animated substances don't work in MODO 801/901 possibly due to a bug in the Substance plug-in;
(*) Image map: Initial UDIM support;(*) Lights: V-Ray will now use the "Shadow/Photon size" parameter of the Direcional light,
when emitting photons from the light;
(*) Mesh item: Support for rendering the "Curve Fill" polygon type (MODO 901);(*) MODO Material : Improved support:
- support for the "Physically Based" value of the "Shading Model" channel (MODO 901);
- support for the "Use refractive index" channel (MODO 901);
- support for the "Reflection Type" channel;
(*) MODO Textures : V-Ray now supports stepped gradients in the "Gradient", "Variation" and"V-Ray Softbox" textures, as well as in MODO's "Color Correct" channel modifier;
(*) RT: Added option to pause scene updates while RT is running. When the option is enabled,rendering will continue, but scene changes will be applied after unpause. The option can
be found in the V-Ray Menu, Toolbar and Toolbox;
(*) RT: Added option to render only the currently selected geometry. The option can be found inthe V-Ray Menu, Toolbar and Toolbox;
(*) RT: V-Ray RT will now use one thread less than the number of processors in the system (includinghyperthreading). This is controlled by a user value called "vray.rt.threads". Negative values
mean this number of processors won't be used. Positive values mean this number of processors
will be used. 0 means all processors. Default is -1;
(*) RT GPU: The "Intensity" channel of the Environment item now works in RT GPU;(*) RT Updates: Improved camera updates:
- changing film offset is now properly updated;
- changing projection type is now properly updated;
- changing V-Ray physical camera channels that affect exposure (F-Stop, ISO, etc...) is now properly updated;
- V-Ray Camera and V-Ray Physical Camera packages can now be added or removed during RT;
- creating a new camera during RT, switching to it and changing its parameters is now properly updated;
- RT is no longer restarted when changes are made to a camera that is not the current render camera;
(*) UI: Added a V-Ray Toolbar next to MODO's render button. The toolbar has buttons for quick accessto the V-Ray Render settings, which don't require the Render item to be selected first;
(*) V-Ray Proxy: Added a new preview type called "Voxel bounding boxes". It shows the bounding boxesfor all voxels in the vrmesh/abc file. Very useful for high density meshes with many voxels
that didn't have sub-division when converted to a .vrmesh file;
(*) V-Ray Render Settings: Added the "Leak prevention" option to the Light Cache settings. UpdatedLight Cache default values to match the new defaults in V-Ray for 3ds max;
(*) V-Ray Textures: The "Inside separate" channel of the V-Ray distance texture now defaults tounchecked. This enables faster sampling of the distance texture, but will change how old
scenes are rendered. For fast sampling, both "Inside separate" and "Outside separate" need
to be unchecked;
Bug fixes:
(*) Nodal Shading: Fixed the "Color correct" channel modifier not working in V-Ray in MODO 901;
(*) Render Elements: Fixed the velocity render element (i.e. motion output) not working, when motion
blur is disabled;
(*) RT: Fixed crashes when changing image maps very frequently (for example when changing theenvironment in Richard Yott's Uberball scene or when using HDR Light Studio).
The crashes happened mostly on Mac OS X;
(*) RT CPU: Fixed camera perspective and DOF being wrong on the DR servers, when RT is used withdistributed rendering;
(*) RT GPU: Fixed scalar texture effects (for example the V-Ray material's reflection glossiness andopacity) not working at all in RT GPU CUDA mode;
(*) RT Updates: Fixed crashes when using the "Replica Clone" tool and RT CPU/GPU is running;(*) RT Updates: Fixed crashes when using the "Array" set of tools and RT CPU/GPU is running;
(*) UI VFB: Fixed the Render History settings not being saved(sometimes) to MODO's preferences;
Vladimir Nedev