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Issues with lighting, reflections and shadows

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  • Issues with lighting, reflections and shadows

    Hi there
    I am a compositor so am new to all this vRay 3d stuff.

    So this issue is, in my scene I have a piano and a sphere, reflecting and catching lige that I am working with.

    I also have a nuke card with a checker on it

    Issue being in the spere I have a great reflection of the floor along with light and shadow, problem is that the floor actual floor does not show what is happening in the shpere reflection.

    I tried the quick star with the globe and checker floof, I had the same issue there also.

    You will have to put an HDRi of your own in to check it out.

    Any help is greatly appreciated

    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hi Adam,
    What do you mean exactly with "the actual floor does not show what is happening in the sphere reflection" ?
    I had a quick look at your scene and at first sight I don't notice anything wrong - you have a reflective sphere and a non-reflective floor.
    Can you post a screenshot showing exactly what is the issue you notice ?
    Thank you,
    Christophe COT
    Software Developer - Chaos


    • #3

      Thanks for the scene.

      When having a reflective object - its reflection will depend on the reflection color of the material applied to it. Where a value of 1 or white color will mean fully reflective and a value of 0 or black color will mean no reflection.

      In the case of the Car Paint material you're using for the sphere - it has a base reflection color amount and a Coat reflection color and a Coat Strength parameters in the Other tab of the material settings. So these will control how reflective your object will be.

      If you wish to get a Chrome like reflection, where everything gets reflected, set the Coat Reflection color to white and the Coat Strength to 1.

      Hope this helps!

      Georgi Zhekov
      Phoenix Product Manager

