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lantern effect - can't get self illumination to effect GI

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  • lantern effect - can't get self illumination to effect GI

    Hi all,

    I am trying to figure out how to create a lantern effect, with a lattice inside a sphere (like wires inside a paper globe) and a light inside.
    The 2-sided material gets me close but I need the effect to light up the environment, so I thought I'd try a self illuminated texture, but again, no effect in the GI (and of course you can't see the internal lattice either).
    I am sure I a missing something basic. Any tips on how to achieve this? I know this is super basic but I am drawing a blank.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	selfillum1.jpg
Views:	183
Size:	91.1 KB
ID:	1041774


  • #2

    Using the 2 sided material is a really great approach, so use that for your sphere. Put a V-Ray sphere light inside of the sphere, and adjust your value for the transparency of the 2sided material.
    There is no need for the self-illumination. And it's not showing up (the self-illum) in the GI, probably because the effect is really weak compared to the light coming from the rect light. If you add a vrayObj properties node and increase the generate GI you will notice the effect. Though you can get away without self-illumination at all.

    Georgi Zhekov
    Phoenix Product Manager


    • #3
      Aaaah, user error. I had done what you are suggesting but to no avail. The culprit was that I had refection settings in the room shader (after copy/pasting it and forgetting to reset).

