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Issues with rendering orthographic views

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  • Issues with rendering orthographic views

    Hi all. This is my first topic, so forgive me if I'm writing this in to a wrong section.

    I tried to do a simple lighting analysis with V-ray. It should represent something similar to my video (dropbox link: ).
    I wanted to have a view that would represent a floor plan, so I created a section and then added a camera. I switched projection mode from perspective to orthographic and then proceeded to crop the view to only include the room I wanted to analyze. The view would now look like image 1.Click image for larger version

Name:	Image 1.PNG
Views:	606
Size:	10.5 KB
ID:	1071973

    But if I try to render this view with V-ray, it moves the camera way up high into the sky and in the rendered image I can only see the roof of the building, and not the actual room I intended to render. See image 2.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Image 2.png
Views:	540
Size:	801.7 KB
ID:	1071974

    I tried to do this with section box, but of course when I cut the roof out of the image all the light comes to the room and results are not accurate anymore.

    Is there anything I can do to resolve this issue? What would be the correct workflow to get the intended results?

  • #2
    Hello Jani,

    What you describe happens on a Revit level at the time when you switch the camera projection. Can you let me know how exactly do you switch it? From the View Cube or from the Properties palette?

    Can you try the following:
    1. Simply create a camera
    2. Right click on the View Cube, select Orient to view, select the plan view you want to orient the camera to.
    3. Right click on the View Cube again, select Orthographic
    4. Now adjust the Crop Region (make sure that at the bottom Revit toolbar "Crop View" is enabled
    5. Make sure V-Ray's resolution aspect is set to Crop Region

    This should work and we're looking forward to see the result!

    Ana Lyubenova
    Product Manager

