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V-ray 5 for Revit, Asset editor can't download materials. Missing permissions?

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  • V-ray 5 for Revit, Asset editor can't download materials. Missing permissions?

    Hi everyone.
    I installed the newest version of V-ray 5 for Revit (file name: vray_adv_51006_revit_win_x64), and when I opened up a new project and checked out the asset editor, I noticed that there are no default materials. The asset editor just gives me a message saying: The asset library could not be found or it cannot be created because of missing permissions.
    What does this mean and how can I fix this?

    I have attached an image of the Asset editor.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Asset editor issue.JPG
Views:	2008
Size:	35.4 KB
ID:	1112887

    Any help is very much appreciated.

  • #2
    I have a problem.
    I bought a V-Ray for Revit, but I can't download assets after installation. (... something went wrong ...) I tried to modify config.json, but without success.
    Is it not possible to download the assets package in any other way?
    Thank you


    • #3
      Dear JaniNaumis, hello.

      Please create a new folder in Documents named V-Ray Material Library and choose it in the Advanced mode of installation.
      Here it is visually explained.

      It will be helpful to confirm - have you installed another V-Ray 5 for Revit build before or not?

      Hello to you too, michal_mrzek.
      Please make sure that your antivirus software has an exception for Chaos Cosmos. Which was the new location that you have pointed out in the config file?
      Its should be a local directory. For example:
      [COLOR=#4e5f70]"working_dir":"C:\\Users\\[/COLOR][COLOR=#e74c3c][B]YOUR USERNAME[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#4e5f70]\\Documents"[/COLOR]
      If you are still experiencing this, please use our contact form and add this forum link in the description.
      Then we will be able to arrange a TeamViewer session and provide live support.

      Best regards,
      Tsvetomira Girginova |
      3D Support (AEC,HOU,C4D) Team Lead | contact us


      • #4
        Good day,
        thank you for answer.
        The problem will be that I have a corporate firewall installed on my PC.
        I need to find a way which addresses need to be released for the upgrade assets to run properly.


        • #5
          Okay, thank you for sharing.
          Check this out. We will investigate further if needed. Just let us know.

          Have a wonderful day!
          Tsvetomira Girginova |
          3D Support (AEC,HOU,C4D) Team Lead | contact us

