T he point is that I'm working with Revit 2019, and with V-ray 3.70. I'm running the v-ray and everything is OK. I can change all settings - they work OK with the exception of Asets Browser - settings and assignment of v-ray materials to Revit materials. Then Revit crashes. A few days ago I sent a bug report. In previous versions, it worked well. In this way, I attributed V-materials to Revit materials. I think that this is not the fault of Revit 2019. The same occurs in Revit 2018. This is not just about changing materials, changing parameters. The other options in this tab are also needed - even the color highlighting of unassigned materials - both v-ray and Revit. This is a standalone editor launch - it starts the selected material from the explorer - then it starts and we can change the material parameters. Maybe the 3.70 v-ray version has bugs, it is not fully polished. Previous versions worked well, except maybe the first 3.40 - then the lights did not render when Revit worked in a Polish location. It was necessary to change the language of Revit to English and work.
Regards Marek K
Regards Marek K