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Using Object ID´s or Material id´s for compositing how to

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  • Using Object ID´s or Material id´s for compositing how to

    Hi everyone..
    As anyone knows who comes directely from a Visualisation backround, Renderings are only as good as their possibility to produce Renderchannels and "Masks", because in real world, last time edits of Renderings are what allway happens becaus everyone who decides about your renderings most time has another opinion of how a rendering for him should look like. Its never an out of the box ready rendering, so you allways need alphas, Masks and Materialchannels to do the final compositing in Programs like Photoshop ore affinity Photo.

    So this is my question. I´ll have to teach Vray for Revit soon. But what i didnt understand is how to produce propper Materialchannels that are antialiesed and usable. or to produce Object id´s in Revit and produce using them masks comparable to for example the psd manager in 3ds max. is there any way to do this ? i have seen the material id channel in Vray for revit but this is so washed out .
    It seemed to me unusable for getting propper masks.. the other channel for materials is not antialiased so nut usable for compositing too..

    Do i miss something ? if theres no way to seperate windows precisely from their surroundings or walls ore trees ore whatsoever, one of the most crusial nessesities in Vray for Revit is missing..

    maybe any idea how to do this ?

  • #2
    Hey Tom,

    Can you describe what's your exact problem? It will be best if you show us your workflow with some images and what you are trying to achieve.
    If it was that easy, it would have already been done

    Peter Matanov


    • #3
      Click image for larger version

Name:	Channels from vray max.jpg
Views:	822
Size:	1.02 MB
ID:	998339Click image for larger version

Name:	Channels from vray max 2.jpg
Views:	953
Size:	4.19 MB
ID:	998340

      thanks for your fast reply.

      Well. I am testing the 3.6 right now. But also with version 3.5 before, i noticed that there seems to be no way to produce masks or alphas while rendering from special objects or materials that you can than use while maing adustments in photoshop or affinity photo..
      In real live, architects have allways to change their images they produce untill their boss is satisfied with the result.

      This in professional rendering software gets done as for example in vray for 3ds max, by using object id´s of the objects or by using material id´s that you can distribute and that on rendertime will get produced automated.. in compositing sofware than you get seperated pixelmasks, or rgb images and so on. In the following example, 3ds max and vray use obect id´s ore rgb images that separate the fassade and than get translated using the plugin psd-manager into perfect black pixelmasks, that are perfect antialiased.

      You can use them to activate the pixelmask of different parts of your Architecture, for example only the Walls, or the glass and so on, with only one single cklick and than for example apply a color change..

      without this solution compositing on a professional fast level gets impossible.

      So my question is, where and how can a get material masks , antialiased or object masks in vray for revit ?

      i show you an image what i mean...

      greetings Tom
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Hi Well maybe ! could the following lead me to a sucsess to get clean antialiased masks for compositing ? I Would love to get some help here... it is cruicial for my company that our architects not only can render an image, but also are easily able to change them using good masks...


        • #5
          Hi everyone ? i used the vray mat id channel now sometimes. but its difficult to select the seperated colors, when the colors are very similar in the mat-id cannel.
          So whats about Cryptomatte for example and a nice Plugin for Photoshop and affinity Photo.. hmmm....

          Or mayby make the cryptomatte in the vray framebuffer available, so you can click on mat id´s select them and say..... save as black and white.. or.. export to aditional alpha.. or... export all to adittional alphas.. or better make an option directly in the renderdialog, comparable to the Renderelements, where you can select this option as a setting..


          • #6
            Tom, I have logged the issue in our database and we are already thinking about possible solutions. It is not a task that will be resolved in a day or two though.

            Ana Lyubenova
            Product Manager



            • #7
              thanks.. so everything is on its way...


              • #8
                Yes, and meanwhile we released V-Ray 3.7 for Revit, so you can update to it.
                Ana Lyubenova
                Product Manager



                • #9
                  Naaaa of course i´ve allready told this to my boss... i´ll test it and if it works fine for us, and i have no doubt it will, we will upgrade.

