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Multiple Rhino 6/V-ray 3 bugs

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  • Multiple Rhino 6/V-ray 3 bugs

    We have recently made the jump from Rhino 5/V-ray 2 to Rhino 6/v-ray 3, hoping it had now surpassed its child-illnesses. Unfortunately we are still encountering some issue, some of which is quite critical for our work. Most of them have been reported to McNeel too, but seem to be on your court to solve.
    1. Materials with opacity-maps does not display correct. They just appear solid. I remembering finding an other thread in here, highlighting the issue - But it really is a big issue for any architectural workflow, and i expect a hot fix or workaround to come fast.
    2. Many materials does not show their diffuse-material. This seem to apply to some materials created in v-ray 2/Rhino 5 - However it has cribbled our transition a lot. - I would like to figure out which material-compositions is failing, but my model has been frozen for an hour now, which brings me to:
    3. Old models, made ind Rhino 5/vray2 is very slow in Rhino 6. not only do they render slow, but previews is impossible to work with. I am reading a constant high load on the network. Do Rhino 6 or v-ray3 handle bitmaps loads differently? Like it is constantly try to get the textures, instead of saving them in the RAM. And when i say slow, i mean really slow. Before (Rhino 5) i could work in a simple rendered view (without scene lighting, thats a killer) or in a shaded view with textures show - That viewport mode became more or less the office standard. But now, it brings the computer to a crawl. Which is scary, since i have the newest and fastest machine in the company.
    4. A smaller bug with a workaround: It seems that when we type “Render” in the command line, the work-file is locked until the render is stopped again. But if we press the render button, we can continue to work in the model while rendering.
    5. On to a major one: when the material asset editor is open on a machine, one of our floating licenses is used. So not only when rendering. This may be on purpose from your side, however annoying it is for us to have to remember to close it again. But the biggest issue is that as soon as a user have had the asset editor open, or a render running, the license is still locked, until the model is closed. This is really killing our accessible license, and quite a inconvenience to have everybody open an close their rhino if they just added a material to a surface to preview something.
    6. Rendering stops if we go into blockedit. It seem to also happen sometimes when using show/hide and isolate commands.
    7. When copying geometry from one file to an other (even materials created in vr3) they do appear in renders and preview, but not in the material editor. This do only seem to happen when the materials is applied to layers instead of objects.
    8. Proxies loose their materials if copied from one file to an other.
    Last edited by Henrik_N; 14-09-2018, 05:58 AM.

  • #2
    I confirm the issues described in items 2 and 7 in my post
    3D Visualization for the Marine Industry


    • #3
      Can confirm issues 1-3 here, with the network issue dragging my work to a crawl. Opening files many times freezes Rhino.


      • #4
        Originally posted by deurton View Post
        Can confirm issues 1-3 here, with the network issue dragging my work to a crawl. Opening files many times freezes Rhino.
        If you are willing to demonstrate the behavior described in the previous post, we can organize a remote viewing session and provide you with live assistance.
        To set it up, simply state your preferred time and date in advance by sending an email at (include a link to this forum thread in the message).
        We are available on work days between 11:00-18:00 EET ( Sessions are conducted via TeamViewer (

        Kind regards,

        Peter Chaushev
        V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Product Owner

