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Vray Scene or Vray Proxy

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  • Vray Scene or Vray Proxy

    Hi guys,
    in my worklflow i feel good using vray scenes. For example if i have buyed some libraries made for 3dsmax i can easily save a vray scene from 3dsmax to have the object perfectly working also in rhino + vray, or alternatively i can use a open format like fbx and in rhino i will apply materials and then i can export in vray scene (or proxy)
    It's working fine, because if i strip path during the exporting, i can use this scene easily (materials are ready, etc,). But i can also use vray proxies, maybe with some problems with materials.

    But the main question is: witch is better for performances ? If i have to put a lot of trees in my scene (for example), there are some performace differences using vray-proxy instead vray-scene or vice-versa ? Or the performaces are the same ?

    As usually thankyou very much

  • #2
    Hello BossFx

    Thank you for your question and please excuse our delayed reply.

    While the Proxies and the V-Ray Scenes both inherently improve the performance of the viewport (through reducing the amount of geometry that is being shown by loading it from an external mesh), they have different use cases.

    With that said, let’s move on to your question - I did a rather simple test, which consisted of creating a V-Ray Scene of a tree and instancing it 600 times, then rendering it. Then I made a proxy mesh out of the same tree, instanced it 600 times and rendered this scene as well. Both were rendered at a resolution of 1920x1080 and a High Quality preset.
    The difference in the render times was the following - 24m 48s (V-Ray Scene) against 22m 44s (V-Ray Proxy).
    Please see the attached images.

    Click image for larger version  Name:	Scene.jpg Views:	633 Size:	409.0 KB ID:	1103659
    Click image for larger version  Name:	Proxy.jpg Views:	588 Size:	409.0 KB ID:	1103660

    Considering how big the unique advantages of the vrscene and the proxy mesh are, do not rule out one or the other solely based on render times.
    For the VRscene it is the ability to transfer entire scenes between host applications or projects in one go, while proxy meshes can also be a great choice in a lot of scenarios, such as turning individual meshes into proxies in order to improve the viewport performance, or for example the vrmat proxy workflow for creating an asset library, which has been introduced in version 4.20.01 - Vrmat proxy workflow
    I hope this video proves to be useful in case you weren’t familiar with this workflow.

    Finally, please describe the issues you’ve encountered with the proxy materials, so that we can assist you further.

    Edit: I remade the test a couple of times with another tree model, as the initial time difference didn't look right to me and they appeared consistently similar.
    Last edited by Svetlozar Draganov; 30-01-2024, 01:29 AM.
    Zahari Ivanov |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Thankyou very much for your time, and i very sorry to answer just now.
      The problem that i had encountered in the previous version of vray was that a imported proxy object need to riassign materials (i haven't tested on vray5). I will try the vrmat proxy workflow!
      For now, i'm enjoing the cosmos assets.. it's a incredible feature that's a lot's of us was waiting for.
      Thankyou again

