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V5 GPU - Multimatte through glass?

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  • V5 GPU - Multimatte through glass?


    I render a lot of wristwatches and need masks of the complex dials behind the front glass. The material ID color isn't working in GPU mode and so I tried the object ID and multimatte object output - also not working. Is there a GPU based solution? If not, when it will come? ... visualization for designer and architects

  • #2
    Hi Micha,

    We'll escalate this further so our development team can try to prioritize it and will let you know when we have more information in this regard. Internal ticket nr. is VGPU-826. Thanks for the understanding and patience!
    Nikoleta Garkova |


    • #3
      Hi Micha,

      If the glass refraction (bending) is not important for the images you render, you can try using the Fake Glass material from the library.
      It uses opacity instead of Refraction and will pass the Mask colors even with the GPU engine.



      • #4
        konstantin_chaos Thank you for the hint. Unfortunately full raytraced glass is needed, since the chamfered edges of the glass show refraction effects.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 03-02-21 at 09.08 AM.JPG
Views:	716
Size:	227.1 KB
ID:	1105192 ... visualization for designer and architects


        • #5
          OK, you'll need a V-Ray Core solution then.
          I'll make sure the GPU team is aware of this limitation.


          • #6
            Logged - VGPU-5334


            • #7
              konstantin_chaos Has there been any movement on this? I am trying to have an object behind glass come through in an element channel.

              Many Thanks!


              • #8

                I totally agree, this is a major issue with vray gpu that needs to be adressed.

                Is imposible to composite a house when You use RE. I use a Lot composite and render elements don't go forward if You have a Window with glass material.

                For architectural rendering this is a crucial thing.


                • #9
                  I still miss it a lot here too.
         ... visualization for designer and architects


                  • #10
                    Is imposible to composite a house when You use RE. I use a Lot composite and render elements don't go forward if You have a Window with glass material.
                    The 'fake glass' approach that I suggested earlier should work OK for windows.

                    The original limitation has not been addressed yet.



                    • #11
                      Just the last feedback Konstantin about this subject, how Big is the difference using real glass and fake glass???

                      Do You have an example about this???

                      Also how light is coming without refraction???, are You sure we don't loose Quality using fake glass??

                      I believe this is not going to look right, since this is not a real solution with realistic materials.

                      I can use fake glass for a temporary solution, but this is not a real solution, please bring a core solution too to vray for sketchup, this should be in every software support for glass material in RE.

                      I already talked with Muhhamed about this subject on vray gpu forums. So important for architecs and designers.


                      Last edited by luisgamino2; 24-03-2022, 08:10 AM.


                      • #12
                        Right, fake glass is not a solution for jewelry and product design renderings. It's an essential feature which should get a higher priority.
               ... visualization for designer and architects


                        • #13
                          Hi guys, there is a fix in nightly builds now for the root issue. The next step is to fix render elements like Multimatte through glass
                          This topic has had our highest priority for a while. I will update the thread when I have more information to share

                          Muhammed Hamed
                          V-Ray GPU product specialist



                          • #14
                            Hi Muhhamed

                            Since this a real feature that all vray gpu users are going to use i think is better that You and the vray gpu enginers take the time to full develop this feature.

                            If You can bring a Nice and practícal solution to this this is going to be huge Muhhamed, this is so crucial, with this new feature we can composite in the VFB as it should be... Full control on RE on composite for glass material.

                            So if we see the outside of the house from inside ( in a Window with glass material)we can have the complete control on reflections, speculars and lighting outside of the courtyard with a garden.

                            The same if i see the house from the outside to look inside ( with a Window and glass material) so we can change with RE the sub Surface scaterring materials, reflections, speculars, lighting and global ilumination.

                            Believe me Muhhamed this is going to be great for all vray gpu users. Not only vray gpu for sketchup and rhyno but all the users (maya, max, Houdini, Revit).

                            So there is no 1 mood for the outside and another mood for inside.

                            Just 1 mood for all the render scene Even with Windows or without Windows.

                            Take your time Muhhamed and please full develop this feature, i don't care if it is for the next update or vray 6. I don't want to ask anything since i understand Chaos group keep this things very secret. For me is fine... I like a Lot the surprises when You bring a new update on Youtube... Is like ohhhh wuaaa new features, new posibilities for a better render and of course to full develop architecture in spaces.

                            Keep things like that!!!

                            I Really appreciate the effort on this Muhhamed, so helpfull for vray gpu users, is going to be great to have the complete control on composite with VFB.

                            Thanks all Vray gpu team!!!

                            Best regards
                            Luis Gamino

                            Last edited by luisgamino2; 04-04-2022, 01:57 PM.


                            • #15
                              Hi luisgamino2 and thanks for the feedback as always

                              I will discuss this topic this week in the Dev meeting, and I linked your reply to the issue thread in our tracking system

                              Originally posted by luisgamino2 View Post
                              I don't want to ask anything since i understand Chaos group keep this things very secret. For me is fine... I
                              It is totally fine to ask and/or check the progress on the issues and requests your posted. Don't worry about it

                              Have a great day!

                              Muhammed Hamed
                              V-Ray GPU product specialist


