How are these bug reports handled? I mean, for now we can read all other posts and then post only new bugs, but with some more posts it will be impossible to read everything to make sure they're not listed twice.
I assume there is a list somewhere and you guys only add new bugs/wishes to that list
- the options window is not resizable
- a mirrored rectangle light will cast light into the wrong direction (the direction is not mirrored)
- glossy reflection without fresnell option is incorrect (it seems there is a value of 2.0 by default if you uncheck fresnell).---->updated this bug in a new post here:
I assume there is a list somewhere and you guys only add new bugs/wishes to that list
- the options window is not resizable
- a mirrored rectangle light will cast light into the wrong direction (the direction is not mirrored)
- glossy reflection without fresnell option is incorrect (it seems there is a value of 2.0 by default if you uncheck fresnell).---->updated this bug in a new post here: