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Help with standard/physical camera

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  • Help with standard/physical camera

    Sorry. I still dont understand how it works.

    1. you click on that sun...then you have to place the light somewhere...
    looks like a normal directional light in Rhino. When I go to the light properties dialog I can modify the sun. Then the arrowlight does change direction.
    Is it just an normal directional light or is there more to it than the direction? Does a global location come with coor in the light?
    Is it important where I place that directional sun?

    2. What does the points in the dialog mean? where do I turn down the intensity and to what number?
    Why doesn*t the standard kamera feature f-stops and exposure time? or the physical camera a spherical 360° lens...I would also love to turn off vignetting in physical camera.
    What is the use of a "standard camera" anyways in this system?

    This is somewhat confusing.

    will the standard camera work in a proper release without turning down sun intensity?

    3. is the y-axis on the top view plane north? What about sea level? is standard sea level at z=0 always zero? Do I get different sun if I move the model 5000m above sea level?

    I am missing a discription of the featured options in the sun system. How about a 2 pages pdf...or does it exist and I just cant find it?

    That is what my render looks like...sometimes vray is easy to set up but sometimes it really is a bit*h.

    I hope there will be a demo of a proper working release and that the trial time will start from 0 or I will have testet this release only.

  • #2
    Help with standard/physical camera

    Originally posted by heavyweather
    1. you click on that sun...then you have to place the light somewhere...
    looks like a normal directional light in Rhino. When I go to the light properties dialog I can modify the sun. Then the arrowlight does change direction.
    Is it just an normal directional light or is there more to it than the direction? Does a global location come with coor in the light?
    You need to turn down the sun in the environment section of our options by editing the BG / GI map where the Sky texture is placed. If you have made your own sun-light then you can also directly edit the intensity there in the light properties.
    Is it important where I place that directional sun?
    At the moment - no it isn't important, only the direction it is facing
    2. What does the points in the dialog mean? where do I turn down the intensity and to what number?
    I'm not sure I follow what you are asking here, sorry. Are you talking about inside the RDK's SunLight dialog?

    Why doesn*t the standard kamera feature f-stops and exposure time? or the physical camera a spherical 360° lens...I would also love to turn off vignetting in physical camera.
    What is the use of a "standard camera" anyways in this system?
    You can turn vignetting off in the physical camera options under the Camera tab in our global options (it is toward the bottom-right of the physical camera panel ).

    The standard camera is what is known as a pin-hole camera in computer graphics. It has no concept of f-stop, film, or any other physical properties.
    will the standard camera work in a proper release without turning down sun intensity?
    Since it has no concept of exposure - no. You will need to remove the Sun/Sky from your environment, or limit the intensity of it.
    I hope there will be a demo of a proper working release and that the trial time will start from 0 or I will have testet this release only.
    This is the official release, so I guess its as proper as we're getting at the moment. I believe there is some Sun information in the manual that was recently released - I think its around page 78-80 maybe?
    Best regards,
    Joe Bacigalupa

    Chaos Group


    • #3
      Re: Help with standard/physical camera

      I split this out of the bugs section and made it its own topic, for reference, it began here
      Best regards,
      Joe Bacigalupa

      Chaos Group

