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Exclude Object visibility to Camera

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  • Exclude Object visibility to Camera

    Hi all,

    Is it possible to exclude an object's visibility to the (rendering) camera view while keeping its effects (like reflection/refraction) active on the rest of the objects around it?

    Case Scenario: I'm placing an infinite plane as ground and would the ring to have a shadow visible in the render along with the reflections/refraction of the ground on the ring.

    The problem is that I'm not able to lighten the color of the ground as desired so I'm thinking of saving the final render as alpha w/ transparency and placing the ground in photoshop which is more ideal, really.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	sample_1.png
Views:	820
Size:	343.0 KB
ID:	1023554

  • #2
    yes, you can.

    select your material in the material editor, under Material options, search for "Only in Secondary".... When enabled, objects with this material applied will only appear in reflections and refractions and will not be directly visible to the camera.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Grigio18 View Post
      yes, you can.

      select your material in the material editor, under Material options, search for "Only in Secondary".... When enabled, objects with this material applied will only appear in reflections and refractions and will not be directly visible to the camera.
      That's great. Thank you, Grigio!

      Edit: Yep, it's exactly what I was looking for. For those interested, it's in the material editor --> material options --> raytrace properties --> only in secondary. There's also the option for "cast shadows" as well. Perfect!
      Last edited by gearhead7; 20-01-2019, 02:39 PM.

