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Watchstrap - Nylon Webbing

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  • Watchstrap - Nylon Webbing


    I'm trying to render a watchstrap made from nylon webbing similar to the image attached.

    My method has been to make a single surface on which I displace a cloth texture (the one included in vray for rhino procedural textures). I then duplicate the surface and flip the normal to create the opposite side. See sample attached (blue strap).

    It sort of works but I know there must be a better way. How would you go about doing this? Anyone have a hot tip?


    Attached Files

  • #2
    I used a modeled watchstrap and applied a fabric texture:

    The seams are textured pipes.

    An other way is to scan the whole strap and use it a as texture. ... visualization for designer and architects


    • #3
      Originally posted by Micha View Post
      I used a modeled watchstrap and applied a fabric texture:

      The seams are textured pipes.

      An other way is to scan the whole strap and use it a as texture.
      Those look great Micha. Did you use the procedural fabric texture? Make your own?


      • #4
        I created own textures based on photos like yours. Best you use the whole strap, so you get quite realistic seams. ... visualization for designer and architects


        • #5
          Got it. How do you get the edges to wrap around nicely like that? Is that in the mapping?


          • #6
            I checked my old files and found that it was a quite simple box mapping of the attached fabric structure only. I created a flat version first and mapped it, later I bend it to the needed shape per _flow. I have done the watch rendering some years before and so far I remember me I could used different ways.

            Apply a mapping on the flat strap and bend it per _flow. If you get problem that the mapping get wrong by _flow, than you need to convert the NURBS to mesh first, apply the mapping and save it as OBJ and reimport it. So, the UV are burned in the mesh and can't get lost. But you need a fine mesh for the flow or you get no nice bending.

            For leather straps I use a planar projection. Or in this case you can bend the NURBS together with a planar surface which can be later used as custom mapping object - see last screenshot.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 12-10-20 at 06.38 AM.JPG
Views:	684
Size:	595.8 KB
ID:	1095263
            Attached Files
   ... visualization for designer and architects


            • #7
              Super helpful! Thanks Micha

