I had some Issue with the GPU render because I was out of memory. ( I was in a ruch so I made the render with the CPU). But for further Rendering I want to improve my scene. As suggest on the chaos docs I look the V-ray log (V-Ray GPU reports how much memory is used for Textures/Geometry/Light Cache/etc in the V-Ray log) But I am not an IT engineer. I do some researche on the internet but I found nothing helpful. So here some question I have
Where are the usefull information on the V-ray log? ( I have more than 30000 line in the file so I wont read it all
is there a way to find out which object or texture is too big?
at the end it report peak memory for Bitmap, Bucket etc.
Which peak memory is for what? For example does represent the Peak Memory for bitmap the size of all the texture?
is there a way to find out how big the peak memory can be depending on the graphic card I am using?
Where are the usefull information on the V-ray log? ( I have more than 30000 line in the file so I wont read it all

is there a way to find out which object or texture is too big?
at the end it report peak memory for Bitmap, Bucket etc.
Which peak memory is for what? For example does represent the Peak Memory for bitmap the size of all the texture?
is there a way to find out how big the peak memory can be depending on the graphic card I am using?