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PBR workflow for V-Ray Generic Material

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  • PBR workflow for V-Ray Generic Material


    I was wondering if there is any manual on how to create a pbr like material with the V-Ray Generic Material? I remember having watched one tutorial by some user that explains how to load the maps (albedo, ao, metalness, roughness, normal,...) in order to achieve the same appearance as a pbr material. Unfortunately, I cannot find it anymore. Is there any official workflow considering Metalness, Surface Controls, Reflection Color etc.?

    Thanks in advance!

  • #2

    I am not sure if there is an up-to-date tutorial about metalness in the V-Ray AEC products. However please check the post below where the general idea is explained. I hope that this will shed some light on the matter.


    • #3
      Thanks for your reply.

      I got used to the workflow as described here: and I was just wondering whether there is a way to use this setup of maps within the V-Ray Generic Material now that PBR is no longer available in the Asset Editor.
      Or would it make sense to set up the PBR material in Rhino (7) and then convert the Rhino material to a V-Ray material?


      • #4
        The PBR workflow is now integrated within the Generic(V-Ray) material,
        The metalness texture can be slotted in here
        Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2022-01-18 at 15.19.37.png
Views:	451
Size:	59.3 KB
ID:	1137073
        And for the Roughness texture make sure to switch Surface control to Roughness. And then slot the roughness texture in the new Reflection Roughness slot here:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2022-01-18 at 16.25.12.png
Views:	390
Size:	53.6 KB
ID:	1137074
        Albedo goes in the Diffuse, and I think that is pretty much it.

