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objects behind clipping plane appear as black silhouettes in render

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  • objects behind clipping plane appear as black silhouettes in render

    Hi everyone,

    I'm trying to render a scene at the moment but each time I enable the clipping plane I get what appear to be reflected black silhouettes of objects which are behind the said clipping plane. I'm really lost on this one so any help at all would be hugely appreciated​​​​​​​ Click image for larger version

Name:	problem silhouettes.png
Views:	1440
Size:	243.9 KB
ID:	1146740

  • #2
    Do you use a parallel camera? Is your model far away from the scene origin 0,0,0? Do you use the GPU or CPU mode? I the problem visible in the other mode too? ... visualization for designer and architects


    • #3
      In this view I'm using a parallel camera for an elevation but the problem still persists in both isometric views and perspective views. My model is not too far from the origin but the model itself is quite large and is in a mm scale. coordinate wise this likely means that one point of my model may be at 0,0 but another may be at 200000, 2000000. I use a cpu engine, just tried the other gpu options but these don't work for me, I'm guessing because I lack the needed hardware


      • #4
        I've also just tried changing the document units to metres, which scales the model down to the origin and the problem still persists


        • #5
          Maybe we see intersecting (wrong) auto generated cutting planes of different object. I'm not sure this feature can be disabled or avoided. Maybe you can simplify your scene.
 ... visualization for designer and architects


          • #6
            ok thank you, Ill look into simplifying. Do you know what part of the settings I could investigate to try and limit these auto generated planes? It just seems that from the geometry that is showing up that it is showing nearly everything that exists behind the clipping plane, I just worry that even if I do simplify it will still show the simplified version behind the plane


            • #7
              Here I run in the same issues:


              We problem is that at Rhino we have a lot of open surfaces and not only closed poly surfaces. I wished the team could understand the need of making the automatic generated fill planes invisible.

              You can try to set a material for the cutting fill planes and make them invisible. But I'm not sure how good it works. Maybe it's improved over the last software updates. I'm curious what you find.

              Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 05-01-22 at 02.03 PM.JPG
Views:	1124
Size:	311.8 KB
ID:	1146761
     ... visualization for designer and architects


              • #8
                Still no good I'm afraid, tried setting the material to a generic material with 0 opacity. I think I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and simplify. I do agree, it would be really helpful if v-ray could sort this because it's almost impossible to render a model with even a small amount of complexity


                • #9
                  I would like if the user could additional use:

                  * disable the fill surfaces

                  * use the Rhino cutting plane effect without the special V-Ray features like "camera rays only"
         ... visualization for designer and architects


                  • #10
                    Dear danjarvis8, hello.

                    Are you using Toon Override or Contour attribute in the materials?
                    It's hard to be sure from the image, but It looks similar.
                    Could you confirm this detail?

                    Best regards,
                    Tsvetomira Girginova |
                    3D Support (AEC,HOU,C4D) Team Lead | contact us

