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Extra Lines Showing Up in Render

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  • Extra Lines Showing Up in Render

    I am trying to figure what is going on in Vray.

    I use Vray a good bit in SketchUp, and have my own generic material for making stylized renders - its a grey with edges on and a bit of dirt.

    I am trying to convert solely to Rhino to save some money and it would be super cool if I could model and draft in one eco system.

    But I can't figure why Vray in Rhino is picking up all those extra lines, any help would be great

    Someone on Reddit mentioned turning off Isocurves. But same results

    This is the Rhino Output
    Click image for larger version

Name:	RhinoRender.png
Views:	185
Size:	960.4 KB
ID:	1213478
    This is my display in Rhino
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-07-20 224141.png
Views:	180
Size:	1,019.7 KB
ID:	1213477

    This is how the surfaces should look (had to Render in SketchUp)

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Render1.png
Views:	178
Size:	5.98 MB
ID:	1213479

    Attached Files

  • #2
    What type of geometry is that? Nurbs or Mesh? In the upper image is that out of VRay or a shaded Rhino view?


    • #3
      The geometry is closed solid polysurface and the upper image is out of Vray


      • #4
        That's very odd. Is this in Rhino 8 or 7? Can you share the model? The Rhino shaded view looks like clean nurb surfaces, while the shaded rhino view looks to be mesh geometry or mesh that was converted in to polysurfaces.


        • #5

          Sure, its a Rhino8 File


          • #6
            I just tried it out and it looks totally fine in both Rhino shaded view and VRay. It may be some odd glitch in Rhino 8. Try saving down to Rhino 7 to test (if you can) or open a new file in Rhino 8 and copy the geometry into that file to test. I have found that it sometime resolves odd issues like this.


            • #7
              Did you use the material as the generic override?


              • #8
                I did and also added edges in VRay to test and a Rhino shaded view with edges on. All looked good to me.
                Straight from RHino:
                Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	131
Size:	668.3 KB
ID:	1213502
                VRAY with edges on.
                Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	121
Size:	635.7 KB
ID:	1213503​​


                • #9
                  Well, that's frustrating for me.

                  I dropped it in a new file, tried in 7, tried a new file in 7 as well.

                  What a pain


                  • #10
                    I noticed that the geometry is all blocks. have you tried exploding all of them to see if it's an issue with how Rhino is reading old block geometry?
                    Here is a link to my version of the model as well as one with all the blocks exploded. Not sure is will help but try it out.

                    Last edited by bmcveigh; 06-08-2024, 10:09 AM.


                    • #11
                      Blocking everything was so the geometry came in as decent groups in SketchUp, as opposed to one giant blob

                      You are going to have to grant me access


                      • #12
                        Yup sorry. Just changed the link to share the folder with both files in it. Hope it helps!


                        • #13
                          I wish there was a way I could compare just the settings between the files, because the worked like a charm


                          • #14
                            Glad it works now!


                            • #15
                              Wait, nevermind - just turned the material on and the lines are back
                              Last edited by christopher_burkhart; 06-08-2024, 10:37 AM.

