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Extra Lines Showing Up in Render

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  • #16
    Did you try to explode the blocks?


    • #17
      Yup, still seeing all the extra edges


      • #18
        Hi christopher_burkhart ​,

        There is no easy way to achieve what you're after using the V-Ray Edges texture in Rhino.
        The reason is the specific way 3D objects from Rhino are translated to V-Ray and prepared for rendering.

        As part of the scene parsing logic, V-Ray is asking Rhino to mesh all the surfaces in the project as V-Ray can not render them directly.
        The resulting mesh is what you see the edges of when rendering.
        The Edges texture is simply showing you all mesh edges not marked as hidden (this is an internal flag).
        Now, making the "internal" edges hidden sounds like a reasonable thing to do but unfortunately there is no way for us to identify them.
        Rhino is not giving us this information.

        SketchUp, on the other hand, is letting us know which edges are invisible in the viewport making it possible to use this information when rendering.

        One option for you, not currently supported by V-Ray GPU, is using the Outlines.
        Unlike the Edges texture, the outlines are generated based on a angle and overlap threshold.
        Here's an example of what the effect looks like:
        Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	74
Size:	4.51 MB
ID:	1213574

        The Outline material attribute even allows you to change the outline appearance per material:
        Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	65
Size:	4.24 MB
ID:	1213575



        • #19
          Konstantin. Thanks for jumping in. I didn't fully understand that christopher was using the edge tex. Is Chaos working on making this function better with nurbs geometry?
          The version that worked for me was, as you say, just using the Outlines feature.


          • #20
            Konstantin - thanks I was going bonkers trying to figure this out. I think that work around might work for me, I do like I can control it per material.

            I was going to start playing with toon to see if I could make that work for me. (Edit: Just realized toon was dropped in the last couple years)

            bmcveigh, I really do appreciate you trying to help
            Last edited by christopher_burkhart; 07-08-2024, 06:01 AM.

