This will be useful for all...
Saad mentioned a problem with the V-Ray rendering that other renderers did not have in his post . The cause of this problem is overlapping faces. See this image:

I exploded the model and removed 9 faces that were overlapping.

A quikc render from V-Ray for Rhino shows the problem goes away.

A 3dm scene with a new layer called overlap can be downloaded for your review.
Best Regards,
Saad mentioned a problem with the V-Ray rendering that other renderers did not have in his post . The cause of this problem is overlapping faces. See this image:

I exploded the model and removed 9 faces that were overlapping.

A quikc render from V-Ray for Rhino shows the problem goes away.

A 3dm scene with a new layer called overlap can be downloaded for your review.
Best Regards,