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  • #16

    a bitmap or jpg for everysingle rgb color ? :S:S::S oh god.
    I can't get a real black with the gamma2.2
    Freelance Industrial Designer - Rhino3d v4 - Vray for Rhino


    • #17

      If you need black, try very low values like 10 .. 5 .. 0. - visualization for designer and architects


      • #18

        Tutorial M updated with shelve glass object and a render speed test: the "simple plane" rhino mesh option let jump the polycount of the shelve scene from 137.000 to 4.300 and bring a speed increase of 500%. - visualization for designer and architects


        • #19

          Update Tutorial H: 3GB switch
 - visualization for designer and architects


          • #20
            Re: tutorials

            Hi everyone

            Can anyone tell what doesn’t this link work anymore :/ ? That was a superb collection of tutorials in one place.


            • #21
              Re: tutorials

              The old links to Tutorials moved when ASGVIS changed over to the new web/forum
              Tutorials are located at the following link:


              You can also navigate to the Tutorials by clicking on 'Support' tab above, then select Tutorials, directly below the 'Home' tab.


              • #22
                Re: tutorials

                Ok, thank you.


                • #23
                  Re: tutorials

                  perfect.that just i need谢谢


                  • #24
                    Re: tutorials

                    Unfortunately, most of the links to support files etc are missing or broken,...

                    Anyone know where they went?




                    • #25
                      Re: tutorials

                      Originally posted by muttoab
                      Unfortunately, most of the links to support files etc are missing or broken,...

                      Anyone know where they went?
                      If you could let us know which files and from which tutorials you are having trouble getting links or attachments from I can let the author know and they can fix it.
                      Best regards,
                      Joe Bacigalupa

                      Chaos Group


                      • #26
                        Re: tutorials

                        If you could let us know which files and from which tutorials you are having trouble getting links or attachments from I can let the author know and they can fix it.
                        No problem,... I should have been more proactive the first time around. Please note that I'm not pointing these out with the intent of negating all the hard work that has gone into creating these tutorials. Also recognise that most of the bad links are due to the change in overall website and that some of this is avail by going directly through the tutorials thread in the forum itself.

                        All of these were viewed via the main support/tutorial link ("")

                        "General tips and tricks": Links to Download Starting Scene File and Download HDR File are broken. Also where it says "Steps: 1. In the V-Ray for Rhino RenderOptions the "Renderoptions", the link is broken.

                        "Micha's Starter Kit": states " Please download the scene file and the maps" but there is no link.

                        "Making Materials": External links are broken ("VfR" "Mcneel" "forum thread" etc)

                        "Animation with V-Ray"" states "To start off you will want to download the zip file that contains all of the scenes, tools, maps, and animations for this tutorial which can be downloaded here" but there is no link.

                        "Setting up Vray for linear workflow": states "First download the file LWF.rar " but no link. "Rendering Terminology" link broken.

                        "Creating Caustics": Here some examples of what the other settings do: link is broken.

                        "Spherical Renderings": All "VfR" links broken.

                        "Studio Setup for Product and Industrial Design": States "Attached the scene and the texture map" but no link. Link to "tutorialG" broken.

                        "Depth of Field" link to the Vray online help page broken.

                        "Translucent Materials": states "Open the scene absorbtion_start.3dm", "open scene absorbtion_step_02.3dm", "absorbtion_step_03.3dm" and "absorbtion_step_04.3dm " but no links.

                        Hope this helps.




                        • #27
                          Re: tutorials

                          Well the animation tutorial I did a while ago, but just posted. So I've got to find all of the pertinent files and bundle them up.

                          Here's the broken link for the caustics on spot3d
                          Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


                          • #28
                            Re: tutorials

                            Hi everyone,

                            I recently started using VfR and have spend a lot of time on the forum lately. I've been trying to learn VfR by reading and stepping through the tutorials that different users have posted. I really like what I see and will for sure be using VfR in my future renderings.

                            Thanks a lot to you guys who have spend time in making tutorials that help people like me
                            getting started with VfR!

                            Yesterday I was about to start reading about "Setting up Vray for linear workflow". In the text I read "First download the file LWF.rar (scroll down for a link to this file)". The problem is that I can´t find any link on the page.

                            Anyone have any idea where I can get the LWF.rar file? Any news on the other missing links?



                            • #29
                              Re: tutorials

                              I don't have the file, but if you use Vray at Rhino 4, it's not necessary to use the tutorial anymore. The workflow is integrated per default - correct texture and colors (global switch options).
                              VfRhino3 will get this options after the SR is ready.
                     - visualization for designer and architects


                              • #30
                                Re: tutorials

                                Hi Micha,

                                Yes, I use VfR 4. I didn´t realize that it isn´t needed though :-[. Thanks for
                                the answer.

                                Btw, would you happen to know where to get the velociraptor file that is used in the
                                Studio Setup for Product and Industrial Design tutorial?


