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Light at filleted Edges???

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  • Light at filleted Edges???

    Hei, fellas im still with this render. Im at the backside of the ipod...but the thing is that this rare light....its really weird...look the edges...

    Thx may be you can tell me what happened!?!??!


  • #2
    Re: Light at filleted Edges???

    Could be caused by to low polygonmesh settings - try to lower the surface-edge-distance. - visualization for designer and architects


    • #3
      Re: Light at filleted Edges???

      Micha, sorry , but i didnt know that. I thought that rhinoceros worked with i didnt know that i have poly problems in this model. Can you help me and tell me where i can find the Mesh Properties?

      Thanks a lot, i didnt know this huge detail



      • #4
        Re: Light at filleted Edges???

        For viewing and rendering Rhino create a polygon mesh. At the document properties you find "mesh". More infos here

        or per search at the forum here. - visualization for designer and architects


        • #5
          Re: Light at filleted Edges???

          Rhino does work with NURBS, but in order to render your model (whether in the viewport or for Vray) there needs to be a mesh. There are two (three actually) ways you can access the settings for this mesh. The first is a "global" setting that will affect all of the objects in the scene. This can be set by going into Options and then Render Mesh. To start out, I'd stick with one of the predefined options. The second is a per object custom render mesh. This can be set through the Object Properties dialog box. In both places the available settings are the same, so I'd suggest tinkering with them till you get something that works well for you. The third option is to actually create a mesh from the object, but thats a whole other story.

          Check out this page on the Rhino Wiki for some tips

          Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


          • #6
            Re: Light at filleted Edges???

            Hi trying with mesh changes...I even try to convert the surface to MEsh with all polygons allowed.

            this is the render....whoala...its the same:

            Thx, do you think thats the real shade of my product??


            • #7
              Re: Light at filleted Edges???

              Guys another you know where can i find the mesh settings that you gave me but with Ilustration...the thing its that its difficult for me recreate all that complex concepts without an example.

              Thx a lot



              • #8
                Meshes explained

                It sounds like you are still confused by the NURBS vs. meshes explanations. Think of it this way : NURBS are infinitely smooth, right? However, your video card could never keep up with an infinite amount of data. So, Rhino and your video card show you an approximation of your NURBS model -- so that you can zoom and rotate the view without it stopping completely. This approximation is ONLY to give you fast screen feedback and is known as the "screen mesh." The model is still full NURBS until you (a) convert to a mesh or (b) export it.

                Read this nice explanation for more detail:

                Now, here's how to fix you "screen mesh settings" so they do not get too sharp.
                1) go to tools-->options-->document properties-->mesh
                2) change the default from 'jagged and faster" to "smooth and slower"

                That usually makes a big difference and you are done.
                If not, check the F1-help section for suggested custom settings. Good luck!


                • #9
                  Re: Light at filleted Edges???

                  Hey Schultzeworks thanks for you reply. I do undestand the mesh concept! but the thing its that the shines of the fillet edges are really weird. I tryed with your recomndation and with custom things...but its the same result.

                  Thank you, i hope i can find the answer!



                  • #10
                    Re: Light at filleted Edges???

                    Two reason could cause the look - the mesh or the HDRI.

                    Mesh - select the object, open te object properties->object->custom mesh -> adjust -> preview. Now you can see the mesh. Try to avoid thin long triangles.

                    HDRI - try an other HDRI, maybe a little bit preblured. For example try the building HDRI from the starterkit

           - visualization for designer and architects


                    • #11
                      Re: Light at filleted Edges???

                      I think its probably the hdr...just rotate the model (or the view even) and see if the highlights on the edges change
                      Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


                      • #12
                        Re: Light at filleted Edges???

                        An other problem are the G1 fillets of the model. I would try blend instead fillet.
               - visualization for designer and architects


                        • #13
                          Re: Light at filleted Edges???

                          Hi, thanks Micha i will check your Starter Kit. Thanks for all.

                          I will have news this week trying your Kit!




                          • #14
                            Re: Light at filleted Edges???

                            Hey Micha i started with your Starter Kit. Really good stuff, im still trying to understand some things:
                            Are all the Starters (1-4) for the same knowdlage? is it like a same scene upgrading constantly?? or this 1,2,3 and 4 have different objectives?
                            The support for this scenes is the post? or i need some pdf?

                            Thanky a lot!


                            • #15
                              Re: Light at filleted Edges???

                              Hi, Again, i tryed with The Micha Starter Kit Hdr Files, here the Results:

                              With Orange the different surfaces...brights, its like the Hdr responds different with the surfaces... (???)



                              Edit: 30/4/08 Is there anybody outhere?

