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sunlight panel error

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  • #16
    Re: sunlight panel error

    some more ideas,

    when I insert a light via Vray toolbar it brings the sun angle calculator panel.Where you adjust everyting.

    when clicking on the light properties modify button it still bring the sun angle calculator,just like if I wanted to insert a new light(that is probably why everything is reset to default)

    In the RDK there is the sun dock bar command,which bring a panel exactly like the sun angle calculator,except that this one remember my location,the sun position etc.But does not have any reaction,when I change the sun position.
    Shouldn't the modify button bring that panel instead of the other,allowing us to modify,the light already there.

    just a thought.



    • #17
      Re: sunlight panel error

      We've looked in to this further, and have determined that the issue is being caused by the way we are using the RDK. They haven't had a solid release of the RDK, until now, so we were unable to access certain functions. If we tried to use certain things in the RDK, and then they updated the RDK and changed how that particular function works, our plugin would break/crash/not work. Apparently they've reached a somewhat stable version, so hopefully we'll be able to plug in to the functionality, and have the sunlight remember it's position when you modify it now. I'm sorry for the trouble it's caused everyone. We'll try to add this in if we can before we do a final release. The other option is, you can just write down the location and time that you have your sun set at. I agree that this isn't the best option in the world, but at least it's a workaround.
      Best regards,
      Devin Kendig

      Chaos Group


      • #18
        Re: sunlight panel error

        If I remember me right, during the install I have seen, that RDK beta 7 is installed - isn't the RDK not a beta anymore?
        Can I install the latest RDK from the McNeel pages without problems?
        Does VfR support the pipe plugin? At the moment it dosn't work here. - visualization for designer and architects


        • #19
          Re: sunlight panel error

          I remember that also ,being Beta7,and also remember seeing that the RDK was at is final state.
          But today if I look on Mcneel site there is even a newer RDK dated May23rd.

          I kind of hope that RDK thing with McNeel comes to an end,they keep changing and changing.I am not surprise vray can't follow.



          • #20
            Re: sunlight panel error

            ... Joe tell me, that the final RDK installer show beta 7 ...
   - visualization for designer and architects


            • #21
              Re: sunlight panel error

              so why is there a new one available,and why does that pipe plugin as well as the new Brazil require that new RDK.

              Must means that the final RDK beta7 was not the final after all. :-\


              • #22
                Re: sunlight panel error

                When Andy said final, he means that there would not be any more breaks in the SDK. Breaking the SDK is what caused us not to work with the RDKs released at the end of the summer. In actuality RDK won't really be final until it is part of the Rhino SDK which won't happen to V5. But in the meantime, there won't be any changes that will affect us in terms of not loading due to RDK. This is both because there shouldn't be any RDK changes that should cause this, but also because we don't require RDK to be loaded anymore.
                Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


                • #23
                  Re: sunlight panel error

                  Ok thanks Damien,

                  But if Vray don't require to load the RDK,why does it come with Vray?
                  and if i decide to try the new pipe plugin,and load the latest RDK,will that break VRAY ?

                  Sorry to be thick about this but i don't understand.
                  Thanks for your time .



                  • #24
                    Re: sunlight panel error

                    We include it with Vray because it allows us some functionality (the sun angle generator) that is useful to us. When we added the vray sun/sky feature, we either could create our own sun angle generation system, or use the one that was already in RDK. At the moment, because RDK is still in development, this is the only feature that we feel comfortable enough with connecting too.

                    As I said in my previous post, any changes or additions to RDK will no longer affect us. This means that you can feel free to use the most recent version of RDK. We are no longer requiring a connection with RDK, so although there probably won't be any changes within RDK that would affect us, even if there are you will still be able to use V-ray (minus the sunAngle dialog).

                    As far as the pipe plugin, it will not work with Vray. On Andy's initial post (but not on the wiki page) he said that "It uses the same system as Displacement, so anything that renders displacement will render..." the pipes. We have our own displacement system, so we can't use the pipe plugin at the moment.
                    Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


                    • #25
                      Re: sunlight panel error

                      I should add that even though the pipe plugin won't work with V-Ray, you can still have it loaded and use it if you have another render that supports RDK displacement...At the moment I believe that would be a brazil beta, a Flamingo 2 beta, or FryRender
                      Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


                      • #26
                        Re: sunlight panel error

                        Ok, thank You that was very clear.And now i do understand.



                        • #27
                          Any progress?

                          I've read ASG posts that point at McNeel -- and McNeel posts that point at ASG. In the meantime, my sunlight keeps jumping back to defaults every time I try to adjust it, which makes adjusting it extremely hard.

                          Example : Lets say you get it positioned just right, but then need to move it 10 degrees higher. When you click the light-->modify button it reverts back to 0,0. See the problem? I didn't write down the previous values, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't 0 degrees angle, 0 degrees altitude.

                          Any workarounds or new developments in the last month???


                          • #28
                            Re: sunlight panel error

                            Don't know if you caught dkendig's post above, but its because we have changed the way we connect to RDK. This is so we don't have any issues with modifications made to RDK affecting V-Ray.

                            As far as a work around, you might want to check out the V-Ray Utilities that were released a week or two ago. There's a utility in there called View Manager that will actually allow you to save sunlight positions along with cameras. This might be a good way to easily retrieve multiple sun positions. You can download this in the Tools and Scripts section.

                            We're looking into ways in which we can get this working without requiring that RDK is loaded.
                            Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


                            • #29
                              tools suggestion

                              Thanks Damien. I have downloaded the tools and will try that soon.


                              • #30
                                Re: sunlight panel error

                                I FOUND A SOLUTION...

                                If you get this error "Unable to load rhrdk.10.v40.rhp plug-in: Dependent DLL is missing."

                                Step 1:
                                Download the newest version of RDK from Rhino Labs. here:

                       open Rhino and see if this fixed the problem. If problem persists do step 2...

                                Step 2: Delete the file "rhrdk.10.v40.rhp" from your computer. Because you already downloaded the most current RDK from McNeel labs, the old version (rhrdk.10.v40.rhp) somehow keeps the new file from working properly. Once you delete it, you should be able to start Rhino and the Sunlight in Vray should function flawlessly... To find the exact location of the old file simply open your hard drive C: and inside the "Search Local Disk (C" box, type the file name "rhrdk.10.v40.rhp" This will tell you the exact location of the file within your computer. Once you find it, delete it. (If you feel uncomfortable deleting it, simply remove the file from the folder it is located in, save it in your desktop and try starting Rhino.)

                                This worked for me. Best of luck!

