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Vray ADV animation Problem

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  • Vray ADV animation Problem

    Did somebody tried to do an animation with DR spawners in it ?

    tried everything,goes as far as loading light map from
    and then error loading light map from file
    Cleaning up bitmap manager
    closing DR session


  • #2
    Fernando tells me that there is an issue loading saved LC solutions from file with DR. I'm not sure if that's the case when using asset collection, shared folder, or both. We are testing it out to see what we can find for a workaround.
    Last edited by dkendig; 02-04-2012, 08:41 AM.
    Best regards,
    Devin Kendig

    Chaos Group


    • #3
      I am using asset collection,have not tried with shared folder.Please let me know as soon as you can,I really need it now I have multiple animations to do.

      sent you a PM .

      Last edited by renee81; 02-04-2012, 08:55 AM.


      • #4
        Even a workaround would be fine,because even with a shared folder,the saved LC solution won't load.


        • #5
          I have asked Fernando and Corey to update this thread with any work around they find for this issue.
          Best regards,
          Devin Kendig

          Chaos Group


          • #6
            Great Thank you very much !


            • #7
              Hello Renee-

              I just ran some tests and I am able to get the VRLMAP to load with out an issue. Fernando and I are trying a few more tests to try and reproduce this. Can you please double or triple check to make sure that your host machine can access the file path that you are saving your map too?

              Best regards,

              Corey Rubadue

              Chaos Group


              • #8
                all the maps load except the vrlmap,it does find it ,but write "error loading vrlmap"

                It works if I do not use the DR,it is on the DR that it does not work,just like Devin wrote "Fernando tells me that there is an issue loading saved LC solutions from file with DR."


                • #9
                  How you save the vrlmap for an animation? The only way to calculate it for the whole animation is using fly-through animation mode on the LC. The problem is that this tools is not working at all. So basically we have no way to save the LC for the whole animation. So we have no other option that render the LC for all the frame in our animation using single mode.
                  Corey made some test and the DR was able to read the vrlmap. That why I make the question above.


                  • #10
                    I am just testing the animation,I have yet to calculate for the whole animation.I just calculate the vrlmap for one frame,and save it.Then I start the rendering,by loading the saved file from the LC tab mode.Click image for larger version

Name:	lc-tab.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	358.6 KB
ID:	845198Click image for larger version

Name:	sample-dr.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	190.8 KB
ID:	845199


                    • #11
                      I think I got it ,if I set the light cache mode to single frame,it does not work at the DR,if I set it to Fly-through even if I have a single frame it does work.

                      spoke to works on a very small file,not on a bigger one.I will run some test tonight and see....
                      Last edited by renee81; 02-04-2012, 01:56 PM.


                      • #12
                        What happens, if you set it to "From File" and on the DR node place the vrlmap file in the path you have in the screen shot beginning with C:\DATA\...?

                        Best regards,

                        Corey Rubadue

                        Chaos Group


                        • #13
                          That is working !


                          • #14
                            Ok some more questions.Placing the vrlmap on each DR node is working.

                            I have a 207MB drawing from which I need to do multiple animations.I want to render each frame at 1280x720.I am using Bongo to set up my animations.The problem is that by the time each node receive the DR scene from the main computer the rendering is almost finish,each frame is taking around 3 minutes to complete,in other words the DR are not getting used at all.

                            I do think that it is related to Ticket #7716 in which I was explaining that each time I start a rendering for big drawing with DR,smaller seems to work OK ,the DR stands there receiving the scene for ever,if I kill the render and start again the rendering on the DR take seconds to start.Obviously it can't be done in animation.One of my node is connected through a network,the other one is directly connected by one cable,but both have the same behavior.
                            So is there a way to set up the DR so the transfer goes faster may be it is something I am not doing correctly I don't know,this is not happening only in that drawing,it happens every time. I can pack and send you a drawing if you want.




                            • #15
                              Hi renee
                              Seem that you are not doing anything wrong. I have the same behavior here. I think this is something that we should look in depth. Please made another report ticket for this.

