We have been using the Render in Rhino component for Grasshopper a lot, since its an easy way to add something from Grasshopper into Rhino. It get's much harder if you want to add things from Rhino into Grasshopper, so that you can rely on using the Render Image or Render Animation in Grasshopper functionality.
Basically, you have to export everything in Rhino as a .vrscene file and then load that in Grasshopper. But that is actually quite a buggy process where it can happen that it actually doesn't want to export a vrscene file at all without any warning, or it includes geometry on hidden layers in your .vrscene file or it just refuses to load the vrscene file in Grasshopper on another machine.
So either we need a simple way of adding the Rhino Scene into Grasshopper by having a "Rhino Scene" component for Grasshopper or we need ways of changing certain things programmatically in V-Ray for Rhino (mainly the file path and name).
But it definitely needs some better ways of adding things from Rhino to Grasshopper.
Thanks for considering.
Basically, you have to export everything in Rhino as a .vrscene file and then load that in Grasshopper. But that is actually quite a buggy process where it can happen that it actually doesn't want to export a vrscene file at all without any warning, or it includes geometry on hidden layers in your .vrscene file or it just refuses to load the vrscene file in Grasshopper on another machine.
So either we need a simple way of adding the Rhino Scene into Grasshopper by having a "Rhino Scene" component for Grasshopper or we need ways of changing certain things programmatically in V-Ray for Rhino (mainly the file path and name).
But it definitely needs some better ways of adding things from Rhino to Grasshopper.
Thanks for considering.