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  • Groundplane

    I do a lot of low view angle yacht renderings. In Flamingo I always use a groundplane as I can often see the horizon. A groundplane would be valuable to me in Vray. Also, some way to add a channel to it so I can mess with it in PS would be great, too.


  • #2

    Vray for max has this options, so it will probably come for vrayforrhino too. Meanwhile, use a large cylindrical surface, vray is not that picky on large objects like flamingo.
    Aversis 3D | Download High Quality HDRI Maps | Vray Tutorials | Free Texture Maps


    • #3

      I second this wish, a ground plane would be great.


      • #4
        ground plane

        me too!


        • #5

          Same here!


          • #6

            Sign me up for a groundplane too!

            Phil C


            • #7

              I use a groundplane often. If Vray could render faster per internal groundplane, please one for me too.
     - visualization for designer and architects


              • #8

                For our next major release of VRay for Rhino we will be porting many things over from VRay. Including the groundplane and various other things (VRay Sun / Sky, FastSSS, Physical Camera...etc) We do not have the time to implement much else for this release (VRay for Rhino 1.0)
                Best regards,
                Joe Bacigalupa

                Chaos Group


                • #9

                  Originally posted by joeb
                  For our next major release of VRay for Rhino we will be porting many things over from VRay. Including the groundplane and various other things (VRay Sun / Sky, FastSSS, Physical Camera...etc) We do not have the time to implement much else for this release (VRay for Rhino 1.0)

                  That sounds quite like vray 1.5!!!!

                  unbelivable cool!



                  edit: reading again I guess I confused the next RC release with "our next major release" , so I think I might have to wait a little longer ...


                  • #10

                    just to be sure about the roadmap and price tags...
                    if the groundplane is going to be in 1.5 do we have to pay once more or it's just more time ?
                    the 1.5 is estimated like 6 month ? 1 year from now ?
                    Thank you.
                    Freelance Industrial Designer - Rhino3d v4 - Vray for Rhino


                    • #11

                      Yes we don't have enough time right now to bring in all of the things that we would really like to.

                      As far as price tag I don't know. It depends on how much additional content we bring in to the mix. Most likely people who already own VRay for Rhino will only pay for an "upgrade" rather than the full price over again.

                      As far as time frame...I can't be definate. To be honest we are all working so hard on the here and now that our future plans are not very well formed. We may port VRay for Rhino to Rhino4 first and then move on to Sketchup, or we may go straight to Sketchup.

                      What comes next all depends on many things - how well we do with VRay for Rhino would probably be the main determining factor.
                      Best regards,
                      Joe Bacigalupa

                      Chaos Group


                      • #12

                        hello Joeb,

                        I think we all very much appreciate your (ASGvis Team) effort in the developing of vray4rhino, my personal opinion is that you reached an enormous degree of functionality within the time you have been working on the plugin. At the moment, the situation is kind of complex, because we are awaiting vray 1.5, which should be released quite soon and rhino 4.0 which is scheduled for the end of the year.
                        As a rhino user, of course I personally would like the development of vray4rhino to continue without a possible delay by means of the development of vray4sketchup I would also be willing to pay for that, since your product is boosting my workflow.

                        Best regards



                        • #13

                          yes, Andy is right, to me right now, on rhino platform your are the best support team. Would be better for you to have more people in the dev team to fast it up and reduce your work load, I understand.
                          In the other hand, Rhino V4 support is not that important. We will be able to model using the new advanced modeling tolls of V4 and once this will be done, we will save in v3 and use our vray rendering engine.
                          What I can say is that you are doing good for now, hope to see more and more people buying vray on rhino in the next months.
                          In fact, The real opponent of Vray for Rhino is Vray itself: Vray for Max or Brazil for Max.
                          Freelance Industrial Designer - Rhino3d v4 - Vray for Rhino


                          • #14

                            If you don't own max already, vray for max is no opponent at all for vray for rhino. Unless money doesn't matter of course. (max is 4250? exl VAT, compared to rhino...)
                            Aversis 3D | Download High Quality HDRI Maps | Vray Tutorials | Free Texture Maps


                            • #15

                              there is a lot of design consultant group here using both rhino and max for the rendering. If they do want to buy vray, what are they going to choose max of rhino platform.
                              This is the way I thought the issue...if you have both platform and want vray.
                              Right now Vray on max is more powerfull.
                              Freelance Industrial Designer - Rhino3d v4 - Vray for Rhino

