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Michas Wishlist

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  • #91
    Michas Wishlist

    + different functions to mix two maps like multiply and addition. At the moment only "blend" is implemented.

    + map control for the reflection options anisotropy and rotation. The rotation map control is important for circualr brush effects like at the image. (Maxwell do it ) - visualization for designer and architects


    • #92
      Michas Wishlist

      Originally posted by Micha
      No, I wish, if I enable "override focal distance", than I would like to get the current distance copied from the viewport to the distance option per "refresh" button for fine adjustment. At the moment, the distance is per default 200.
      Right - I didn't have the edit box get filled in by the focall distance value because I had it that way for the output sizes and people didn't like having their output sizes overwritten. I understand what your asking for though.
      Best regards,
      Joe Bacigalupa

      Chaos Group


      • #93
        Michas Wishlist

        Originally posted by Micha
        + different functions to mix two maps like multiply and addition. At the moment only "blend" is implemented.

        + map control for the reflection options anisotropy and rotation. The rotation map control is important for circualr brush effects like at the image. (Maxwell do it )
        I'm sure its possible with V-Ray - I just don't know if we'll add this ability for this release.
        Best regards,
        Joe Bacigalupa

        Chaos Group


        • #94
          Michas Wishlist

          Originally posted by joeb
          Originally posted by Micha
          + different functions to mix two maps like multiply and addition. At the moment only "blend" is implemented.

          + map control for the reflection options anisotropy and rotation. The rotation map control is important for circualr brush effects like at the image. (Maxwell do it )
          I'm sure its possible with V-Ray - I just don't know if we'll add this ability for this release.
          I understand. I hope it's not so much work and can be done per SR.
 - visualization for designer and architects


          • #95
            Michas Wishlist

            + Please disable GI for the material preview or disable show GI pass. Example: I try to manipulate the color of a texture per blend multiplier. I would like to see, like the preview jump from previous to the next version of my material, bucket per bucket. So I could see the difference. At the moment, the GI IM prepass pixelate the preview and I can not see the difference between the two material settings.
   - visualization for designer and architects


            • #96
              Michas Wishlist

              OK - I'll disable showing the GI pass. We need GI though so people can see Emissive layers as they are.
              Best regards,
              Joe Bacigalupa

              Chaos Group


              • #97
                Michas Wishlist

                ... if the QMC GI is used as primary engine, than the bounce control should be grey out and set at 1, because Vray ignore any setting here and internal use 1. So, new user would not think wrong.
       - visualization for designer and architects


                • #98
                  Michas Wishlist

                  Originally posted by Micha
                  ... if the QMC GI is used as primary engine, than the bounce control should be grey out and set at 1, because Vray ignore any setting here and internal use 1. So, new user would not think wrong.
                  The bounces is actually "secondary bounces" so it should be greyed out but the value of the spinner need not be changed...they just aren't used at all if its the primary engine.
                  Best regards,
                  Joe Bacigalupa

                  Chaos Group


                  • #99
                    Michas Wishlist

                    Originally posted by joeb
                    OK - I'll disable showing the GI pass. We need GI though so people can see Emissive layers as they are.
                    I suppose so you can complete disable the GI. At the preview scene are no objects that receive light from the emitter and the "glowing" emitter is visible in non GI mode too. Best you test it. Could much speed up the preview.
           - visualization for designer and architects


                    • Michas Wishlist

                      + If I press at the map "m" than default map type could be bitmap. I suppose so that is the most wanted type and "none" the never wanted.

                      + "Reinhard" and burn 0.8 should be the default color mapping. If the user need "linear", he can set burn 1 or if he like "expontial" he can set burn 0. So the "reinhard" type is universal.

                      + the default reflection map type could be "fresnel"

                      + if the user select an object with an assigned material and use "create" of the material propeties page, than the new material could be assigned to the object
             - visualization for designer and architects


                      • Michas Wishlist

                        + general Vray wish: a downscale texture option. Example: I have a collection of high res textures, but often low res could be enough. I don't like to save downscaled copies. It could be great, if at the texture options the user could set a downscale factor and Vray scale down the map befor rendering. This could save memory. Maybe, this option could be combined with the filter option. A blury filtered map could be donwscaled befor rendering allways.
               - visualization for designer and architects


                        • Michas Wishlist

                          I have think about Maxwell and VfR. I think, it would be a great deal for VfR, to implement the Vray physical environment system so fast as possible. Maxwell users says, the setup time of Maxwell scenes are short, but I belive, the reason is the environment system - no adjust of sun light and environment is needed. Many beginners use it. The color gradient of a physical environment add much subtle realism.

                          PS: Any comments to my last wishes? It's vacation time.
                 - visualization for designer and architects


                          • Michas Wishlist

                            Originally posted by Micha
                            I have think about Maxwell and VfR. I think, it would be a great deal for VfR, to implement the Vray physical environment system so fast as possible. Maxwell users says, the setup time of Maxwell scenes are short, but I belive, the reason is the environment system - no adjust of sun light and environment is needed. Many beginners use it. The color gradient of a physical environment add much subtle realism.

                            PS: Any comments to my last wishes? It's vacation time.
                            VRay sun/sky is already in existance - its just a matter of bringing it into VfR. Its absolutely on our list of things to do - whether or not this will be in a service release or will have to wait for a major version release is yet to be determined.

                            Have a great vacation Micha. We'll be on our SIGGRAPH vacation soon enough
                            Best regards,
                            Joe Bacigalupa

                            Chaos Group


                            • Michas Wishlist

                              I'm back and here a new wish:

                              + please change the DOF aperture parameter from rhino units to lens F-stop units. I suppose so there is a formula to calculate the Vray aperture from F-stop and Rhino units. So it would be much easier to get the right natural DOF effect.

                              EDIT: In my old photo book I have find:
                              lens length : aperture = f-stop
                              So, it should be easy to implement the f-stop option per VfR plugin, a direct f-stop support of Vray is not needed.
                     - visualization for designer and architects


                              • Michas Wishlist

                                Originally posted by Micha
                                So, it should be easy to implement the f-stop option per VfR plugin, a
                                direct f-stop support of Vray is not needed.
                                Good to have you back - I suppose thats not much to ask. I'll add it to the big ol' list I'm accumulating
                                Best regards,
                                Joe Bacigalupa

                                Chaos Group

