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Michas Wishlist

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  • Michas Wishlist

    I mean, I would like to change the direction of brush effect at the material options. So like I can do it at the texture option "rotation". If rotation is to difficult, a "swap" could be fine. I know this kind of workflow from Rhinman|AIR. It's a luxery wish, a shortcut option. ;o)

    I have find the way per RCM tool. Set a map channel at surface (default) and set W rotate 90?. - visualization for designer and architects


    • Michas Wishlist

      Originally posted by Micha
      I mean, I would like to change the direction of brush effect at the material options. So like I can do it at the texture option "rotation". If rotation is to difficult, a "swap" could be fine. I know this kind of workflow from Rhinman|AIR. It's a luxery wish, a shortcut option. ;o)

      I have find the way per RCM tool. Set a map channel at surface (default) and set W rotate 90?.
      Yeah - our anisotropy is kinda hacked together right now. It only uses channel 1 of a render mesh with no quick transformations(scale /rotate /etc )available - I suppose it would make sense to have the UVW more customizable as it is for textures. I understand where your going with this now I think.
      Best regards,
      Joe Bacigalupa

      Chaos Group


      • Michas Wishlist

        + ... option "render channels only"

        Example: if I want to setup the textures of a scene, than I enable "diffuse" output and disable GI/lights. So I get a quick rendered image that show the textures in action. A "only channels" options could be great here. - visualization for designer and architects


        • Michas Wishlist

          I don't follow what your saying here. Our rendering is essentially a "render channels only" every time. But you can't turn off RGB and Alpha. So if you want diffuse then you would add the diffuse render channel to the desired VFB channel list and then render. Am I missing something?
          Best regards,
          Joe Bacigalupa

          Chaos Group


          • Michas Wishlist

            I mean, render channels without RGB and alpha, only the selected channels.
   - visualization for designer and architects


            • Michas Wishlist

              Gotcha - ok. I suppose I could make it so RGB and Alpha can be turned off as well
              Best regards,
              Joe Bacigalupa

              Chaos Group


              • Michas Wishlist


                I'm so curious for the next releases.
       - visualization for designer and architects


                • Michas Wishlist

                  Originally posted by Micha
                  I'm so curious for the next releases.
                  We are too
                  Best regards,
                  Joe Bacigalupa

                  Chaos Group


                  • Michas Wishlist


                    • Michas Wishlist

                      I'm fighting with the progress window the whole day and place it at different places at my screen.
                      Suggestion: it is possible to disable "show progress window". Why not a command, that allow to hide/unhide this window? So I could set a button or shortcut for it. Also a minimize could be nice, so that the progress bar is visible only.
             - visualization for designer and architects


                      • Michas Wishlist

                        Excellent idea - Even on a two 19" screen setup, I'm always trying to find a place for the progress window!!


                        • Michas Wishlist

                          Originally posted by Micha
                          I'm fighting with the progress window the whole day and place it at different places at my screen.
                          Suggestion: it is possible to disable "show progress window". Why not a command, that allow to hide/unhide this window? So I could set a button or shortcut for it. Also a minimize could be nice, so that the progress bar is visible only.
                          You can disable it in the global options rollout. Uncheck "Show progress window"

                          Oh ok, I misunderstood what you were saying at first glance. We're going to be adding a lot more scripting interface as time goes on - so I don't see why that can't be scripted.
                          Best regards,
                          Joe Bacigalupa

                          Chaos Group


                          • Michas Wishlist

                            Hmm, I thought about the linear workflow and ask me, why is the sRGB not the default framebuffer mode. It seems to be the only way to get the right fresnel reflections. Could be good, if the SRGB mode could be enabled per VfR options. I would like, if new users would start in this mode per default.The non sRGB mode seems to be good for special use only or?
                   - visualization for designer and architects


                            • Michas Wishlist

                              I'll see what the general consenus is - it wouldn't be a big change.
                              Best regards,
                              Joe Bacigalupa

                              Chaos Group


                              • Michas Wishlist

                                I would like to disable the visibility of speculars of lights. Important for the distance lights: often HDRI show a sun. It is better for GI calculation to set an additional direct distant light. In this case two suns will be visible in reflections - one of the HDRI and the specular of the distant light.
                       - visualization for designer and architects

