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Michas Wishlist

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  • Michas Wishlist

    ... a copy of the framebuffer image to the clipboard per Ctrl-C. This is the shortest way to photoshop and I used it with Rhinoman|AIR in the past often. - visualization for designer and architects


    • Michas Wishlist

      that would be useful
      Best regards,
      Joe Bacigalupa

      Chaos Group


      • Re: Michas Wishlist

        Joe, could you add an environment light (color) for non GI mode? Maybe you could enable the env GI color UI for that. I would like to render illustration stuff in non photoreal style. - visualization for designer and architects


        • Re: Michas Wishlist

          Originally posted by Micha
          Joe, could you add an environment light (color) for non GI mode? Maybe you could enable the env GI color UI for that. I would like to render illustration stuff in non photoreal style.
          I think I could possibly rig something like that up using an ambient light maybe. There is an ambient light plugin in the V-Ray sdk plugins, but I've never really played with it. Perhaps that would provide the effect you're looking for.
          Best regards,
          Joe Bacigalupa

          Chaos Group


          • Re: Michas Wishlist

            Joe, I think it could be a great help if you could add a subdirectory with standard materials. I add a simple screenshot description.
            Also please set all fresnel reflection layer "white" colors at default 190. The current white is much to bright (gamma corrected workflow cause a better visible fresnel reflection and now it's to strong).

   - visualization for designer and architects


            • Re: Michas Wishlist

              Thats an interesting idea - like a "recently added" menu? I'll change the fresnel default colors to be 190 as well.
              Best regards,
              Joe Bacigalupa

              Chaos Group


              • Re: Michas Wishlist

                Recently? I would name it basic types of materials.
                (the Maxwell plugin ask the user for this 5 types during material creation)
       - visualization for designer and architects


                • Re: Michas Wishlist

                  Joe, today I read this at the Maxwell Rhino forum and I think, it could be interesting for you too. Never I used befor worksessions, but sound interesting, something like blocks, but better. I see, I must discover it soon.

                  Hi Jeremy,
                  this is the most powerful option inside Rhino to work with great data sets. Here an unlimited amount of additional files can be attached to a single open session as external references. Referenced objects are visible, alow snapping and all "passive" modeling operations (e.g. as counterpart in a boolean difference), but no direct editing. However, it is possible to make every file of the worksession the current workfile with the full set of editing options available. As Rhino reads referenced files in a slimmer fashion, viewport performance is vastly improved.

                  However: All plugin renderers I tried do not work with worksessions. They only render the currently active file. The native Rhino render engine however can handle worksessions and renders the complete set of displayed items - regardless if fully loaded or only externally referenced.

                  Worksessions in my impression could have some advantages over blocks, when it comes to rendering. They show the same performance improvements but do not have their disadvantages when it comes to material-assignment.
                  - Blocks currently get the material of the currently active layer
                  - it is not possible to have more than 2 materials inside blocks (first material is assigned by layer, second is assigned by parent)

                  If the Maxwell plugin could read material/texturing information from externally referenced files, thismight be a great improvement for those, who work with huge files regularly.

                  But I am afraid, that this a really tough one.


                  Relevant commands: worksession, worksession manager
         - visualization for designer and architects


                  • Re: Michas Wishlist

                    Reading this sounds very familiar for Lightscape useres.
                    You have blocks that contain geometry together with all materials and texturing information. Once made and ready, one would just drag and drop them in the scene, wich would cut your preparing time very much.
                    As for materials it had an TEMPLATE that you choose from (glass, metal, ceramic, marsony, varnished wood, glossy paint...) to get very close to real world materials since it was very important to achive how much light was reflected from the objects. Also an slider to slide inside "green area" was defined so you know that you where in the limits of the real values.


                    • Re: Michas Wishlist

                      Originally posted by Micha
                      Recently? I would name it basic types of materials. Wink
                      (the Maxwell plugin ask the user for this 5 types during material creation)
                      Sorry, I misunderstood you the first time around. So instead of adding just a VRayMtl and putting a layer in it you just want a shortcut to start a material off automatically in a certain manner? Such as Dielectric would start off with a fresnel reflection and a refraction layer. An emitter would start off with an emissive layer, etc? As opposed to every material simply starting off with a diffuse layer and nothing else.

                      Originally posted by Micha
                      Joe, today I read this at the Maxwell Rhino forum and I think, it could be interesting for you too. Never I used befor worksessions, but sound interesting, something like blocks, but better. I see, I must discover it soon.
                      Thanks for bringing the work-sessions to my attention. I've heard them mentioned before but haven't really ever done anything with them myself. So it sounds like work-sessions are a means of X-Refs (in Max terminology ). I'll see what we can do to make sure these get handled properly.
                      Best regards,
                      Joe Bacigalupa

                      Chaos Group


                      • Re: Michas Wishlist

                        Once more: a big wish: could it be possible the get an independent rhino.exe task for rendering? At the moment during the rendering the rhino4.exe hold the scene three times - the NURBS geometry, the render mesh and the Vray render scene. This is a disadvantage.
                        I ask this question several times at the Rhino forum, but never got an answer.
                        And best would be, if VfR could be a 64bit task, than we could render with unlimited RAM usage. Any ideas Joe?

                        PS: Or did I ask this question befor? :-\
               - visualization for designer and architects


                        • Re: Michas Wishlist

                          I believe that the 64-bit thing is going to be a rhino issue at this point. Since the render process is still running within Rhino4.exe, which is 32 bit, it wouldn't allow for 64 bit processes. If Rhino kicks it up and recompiles for 64bit (you saw my request for it on the newsgroup) then we should be able to work it out. On our end it would either be a recompile or something for Vlado to release into the sdk. Either way we are still waiting on Rhino, and once they get it done then we should be able to follow. Joe is going to be the one with the final answer on this though.
                          Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


                          • Re: Michas Wishlist

                            I rememeber on a plan for a Vray exporter. I think, this could be integrated to VfR. The whole rhino scene could be saved to the hdd and rendered per command line or direct from Rhino, but independent.
                            A little first step could be a second task. Maybe the McNeel team could help too.
                   - visualization for designer and architects


                            • Re: Michas Wishlist

                              The plan for the exporter to a VRay stand alone app (I don't want to call it Studio, but thats what it is) and that was under development by CG. They've having there hands full with the Vray for Maya thing and have left the stand alone by the wayside. I don't think there can be an explicit vray task at this time, although in the future it will be a definite possibility. I know your trying to get around this large scene/memory limit and at the given moment the second rhino task w/ a mesh only file seams like the best way to go about it. If Rhino could have a file that would only allow for the render sequence and some how unload the file from memory during the render that would be very useful (and be able to be used by other renderers). The 64-bit is the by far the best bet and hopefully McNeel realizes that it is something their users want and need. As for the commandline thing, maybe it would work with Vray proxies or somekind of mesh file (3ds or something) that could be activated via commandline. Joe could answer that one.
                              Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


                              • Re: Michas Wishlist

                                An other solution could be a script ala my current manual workflow:
                                - Rhino export the render mesh to a new file
                                - open the mesh file in a new task
                                - start the rendering
                                - load an empty scene

                                Hey, sounds very simple or? Looks like I must try add all my experience and script suggestions from the Rhino forum from the last days.
                       - visualization for designer and architects

