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Michas Wishlist

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  • Re: Michas Wishlist

    Here's my attempt via Macros. I couldn't suppress the dialog boxes when it asks you to save, but other than that its all automated

    _-export "C:\Documents and Settings\Damien\My Documents\Micha test.3dm"
    _-open "C:\Documents and Settings\Damien\My Documents\Micha test.3dm"

    This is specifically for a 6 degree mesh, but you could adjust it. The file path would be whatever you want. In my quick tests of very simple stuff I saw a 50-80mb drop in memory usage, so I'm sure it would be much more significant in larger scenes. One last important bit. The active view must be the view to be rendered in the file, and in Global Switches Batch Render must be unchecked. Hope this helps for the time being
    Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


    • Re: Michas Wishlist

      Interesting. Let us talk here: so we keep it together.

      If you look at my button script, there is a code to supress dialog boxes. I got this from here.

      Also, I would use the command _ExtractRenderMesh + sel all surfaces/polysurfaces/meshes and lights and save this all to a new file. So we could get all objects for rendering. I hope the materials are assigned to the render meshes. - visualization for designer and architects


      • Re: Michas Wishlist

        Today I miss an option to limit the interreflection of a material. I render a bicycle and the spokes show crisp reflections. A closeup show me, that the problem are the sharp interreflections between the spokes. It helps a little to set glossieness at 0.95 and 30 samples and cutof at 0.1, but a limit of the interreflection could be the best. So, if poassible, please add a material based reflection/refraction limit. - visualization for designer and architects


        • Re: Michas Wishlist

          Originally posted by Micha

          Once more: a big wish: could it be possible the get an independent rhino.exe task for rendering? At the moment during the rendering the rhino4.exe hold the scene three times - the NURBS geometry, the render mesh and the Vray render scene. This is a disadvantage.
          I ask this question several times at the Rhino forum, but never got an answer.
          And best would be, if VfR could be a 64bit task, than we could render with unlimited RAM usage. Any ideas Joe?

          PS: Or did I ask this question befor? :-\
          You did ask this before- but yes it is possible. For distributed rendering I needed a way to transfer scenes from machine to machine. I can use this same scene transfer stuff to open up a slave process in a new memory space to render a scene. It is my goal to do whatever is possible to increase the size of scenes possible with VfR drastically in this upcoming release. I was originally just going to have something like a "Large Scene Rendering" button where I would purge all render meshes, etc in Rhino prior to rendering. But I suppose we could do it this way, too.
          Best regards,
          Joe Bacigalupa

          Chaos Group


          • Re: Michas Wishlist

            Originally posted by Micha
            Today I miss an option to limit the interreflection of a material. I render a bicycle and the spokes show crisp reflections. A closeup show me, that the problem are the sharp interreflections between the spokes. It helps a little to set glossieness at 0.95 and 30 samples and cutof at 0.1, but a limit of the interreflection could be the best. So, if poassible, please add a material based reflection/refraction limit.
            You mean limiting the max-depth of the reflection? That is possible in the global switches. Or are you saying you wish this was on a per-material level?
            Best regards,
            Joe Bacigalupa

            Chaos Group


            • Re: Michas Wishlist

              Joe, the slave process sounds very good.

              Yes, I mean material based. For example my bike: I need 4 or 5 reflections/refractions for glass objects in the scene, but for the thin spokes is 1 or 2 enough. Also very useful for strong blury objects - interreflections between blury surfaces need much calculation power. Material based limits are a great helper here.
     - visualization for designer and architects


              • Re: Michas Wishlist

                ... it could ne nice, if the shift for the sift lens could be calculated per press special calculate button. I suppose so, it's not to difficult, because it depends only from the camera direction in relation to the ground. Best, the shift could be set to "automatic mode" and VfR calculate the right shift value befor starting rendering allways.
       - visualization for designer and architects


                • Re: Michas Wishlist

                  true,this is something that both Flamingo and Accurender have(automatic calculation for 2 points perspective)and if they have it it should not be that complicated.
                  For now I am happy just for the fact that it is available even if it is by guessing the right amount.



                  • Re: Michas Wishlist

                    Ok - I'll look into the lens shift calculation formula
                    Best regards,
                    Joe Bacigalupa

                    Chaos Group


                    • Re: Michas Wishlist

                      There is an option in the vfMax physical camera to guess the vertical shift...would this work internally, or is it a script that may need to be modified to work in rhino?
                      Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


                      • Re: Michas Wishlist

                        Originally posted by dalomar
                        There is an option in the vfMax physical camera to guess the vertical shift...would this work internally, or is it a script that may need to be modified to work in rhino?
                        I'm not sure to be honest - I'm sure its just some means of calculating it based on the current scene. If they are doing it in Max I'm sure we can do it in Rhino - I'm just not sure what the formula is.
                        Best regards,
                        Joe Bacigalupa

                        Chaos Group


                        • Re: Michas Wishlist

                          ... and don't forget delete, import and export of more than one material at the material editor.
                 - visualization for designer and architects


                          • Re: Michas Wishlist

                            I did write a command that would load a directory of vismats (recursively if desired ). Its not hooked into the material editor though. "visLoadDirectoryVismat" I believe is the name of that command
                            Best regards,
                            Joe Bacigalupa

                            Chaos Group


                            • Re: Michas Wishlist

                              Fine. A beginning.

                              One wish more - a simple two side material: often my two sided materials are very simple with one material at both sides (leafes, paper..). I could be nice, if the use could enable a small "two side" option with a blend factor at the option tab of the standard material. So, it would be necessary to create a two side material and a submaterial. The full two sided would be needed for special caes only.
                     - visualization for designer and architects


                              • Re: Michas Wishlist

                                ... if the user try to set a texture env, than the "environment" mode could be set per default instead the "texture".

                                ... it could be nice, to start a rendering with the last created caches in the memory without to save the cache files and set the paths. Maybe a new command could do it -> renderlastGIcache. So, the user could quick repeat the last rendering with a little modification of the materials or something.
                       - visualization for designer and architects

