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Michas Wishlist

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  • Re: Michas Wishlist

    The load last cache thing could be pretty cool - I like that.
    Best regards,
    Joe Bacigalupa

    Chaos Group


    • Re: Michas Wishlist

      It could be great, to get a global transparency map option at the material options. This map would make, that all layers are transparent on the same way. So, for fences or laser cutes sheets, the user must not set a transparency map at each layer again (it's not easy, because the fresnel reflection layer need an inverted map, but not inverted at the texture option, it must be done befor) - visualization for designer and architects


      • Re: Michas Wishlist

        Much agreed Micha. It can be a real hassle when adding reflection and even more of a pain with multiple reflection layers. We'll make a distinct note of it...I've got a few material wishes of my own, so we'll see what we can do.
        Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


        • Re: Michas Wishlist

          I'm happy you understand me and don't think, I'm to lazy to setup the material layer transparencies. ;D
          I's very difficult to set the trancparency of the fresnel layer so that it match with the same material without transparency map (for example a notebook with the same material for housing and fences - my current problem).

 - visualization for designer and architects


          • Re: Michas Wishlist

            Originally posted by Joe B
            The load last cache thing could be pretty cool - I like that.
            New idea for that: add a fifth cache mode option - "from memory".
   - visualization for designer and architects


            • Re: Michas Wishlist

              I try to find a workflow for a simple full HDRI environment use, that use env textures for GI, background and ground. The current workflow is horrible, if I try to test different textures or if I adjust the rotation of the HDRI - everytime I must edit at three texture interfaces. It could be nice, if at the texture dialog would support an option "use ... env texture". The "..." could be the four global Env textures - GI/background/reflection/refraction.
              In my case, I would set background and ground at "use GI env texture". The texture mulitplier should be independent, because often it makes sense, that different values are used and so the relation between the textures would be fixed. The general brightness could be controled per color mapping multiplier.
              An other case, most user will use the same map for GI and background. So, the background map could be linked to the GI map per default.
     - visualization for designer and architects


              • Re: Michas Wishlist

                I have wanted that myself. Perhaps a chain link between GI and BG to use the same hdri for both.


                • Re: Michas Wishlist

                  Next wish. Problem: I render an exterior and I try to get a caustic effect at two objects. My first experience: distant lights don't produce caustics. I suppose so, it's a render theory problem, because the caustic photons are spread about a to large area. So, a distant light can not be used for a sun light effect. (Make it sense, that distant lights support the caustic subdivs?)
                  Next test point light: only a near distance point light show a caustic effect. Same like befor, a far distance spread the photons to much.
                  General pifall: caustics needs an inverse square fallof.

                  Than I remember me at my old shadow map trick of Rhinoman|AIR. Use a spot light for creation of the shadow map and use the saved map with a distant light. Now tested with Caustic photons and it works fine. The spot create the caustic effect for a limited area and the saved caustic cache can be used with distant/point light.

                  Now my wish: it could be great to limit the caustic area of distant lights per diameter option (diameter around the axis). So, the user could get the parallel shadows of a sun light and caustic effects.
         - visualization for designer and architects


                  • Re: Michas Wishlist

                    General Vray wish: a way to use a blur filter for virtual objects, but not for textures. Example: the white shere show a hard sharp "edge", but the ground is blury by the texture. If I add a gaussian image filter, edges and textures are blured, but I need blured edges only.

           - visualization for designer and architects


                    • Re: Michas Wishlist

                      Today a very small workflow wish: a way to select all materials with Vray material. Two way could be good: (a) right mouse button menu and command "select all object by material" or/and (b) the user can select more than one material and use the current RMB command "select objects by material".

                      The problem is, I get a scene from a client and assign some materials, but some times I oversee to assign a material. I would like to select all object with Vray material and hide it, so I could see the objects without vray material.
             - visualization for designer and architects


                      • Re: Michas Wishlist

                        Today I render a fabric like at this image from spot3d

                        and got aliasing effects. I try to choose an other antialiasing filter, but most of the blury filters are missing at VfR. So my wish: please implement it. For example the video filter look quite promising.


                        Interesting for me, some of the VfR filters can't be found at spot3d and I found no infos at the VfR handbook.
               - visualization for designer and architects


                        • Re: Michas Wishlist

                          I agree that a few more of those filters would be nice (I personally would like the blend one the most...its dreamy ;D). In the mean time you might be able to get rid of those moire effects by doing a combination of a slight blurring filter (maybe area @ 2 or 2.5) and adding a bit more blur on the texture itself.

                          Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


                          • Re: Michas Wishlist

                            Thank you damien, that's what I use now, only area blur a little bit lower.
                   - visualization for designer and architects


                            • Re: Michas Wishlist

                              Every time if I change the image resolution, than I must change the Light Cache subdivs. Could be nice to set a LC subdiv factor based on Squareroot of the image size hightxwide.

                              For example 800x600 -> 692 subdivs -> most factor 1 is good, but if more samples are needed than factor 1.5 would cause 1039 subdivs.

                              So, the user could work with the same setup independent from the screen resolution. A little step to an easy-universal-setup.
                     - visualization for designer and architects


                              • Re: Michas Wishlist

                                Yes! Resolution-dependent settings are a wish of mine, too.
                                Could IM min/max be resolution dependent, too? Any others?

