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VRay frame buffer background image

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  • VRay frame buffer background image

    I have a background image in a layer in the Vray Frame Buffer. But when rendering through glass, the image is replaced with the Vray ground / sky. Is there anyway of making the VRFB image appear through glass?
    I don't want to change the environment settings in the asset manager.

  • #2
    You can try unchecking "affect reflection" options in environment..


    • #3
      Thank you very much for the reply! I didn't find the "affect reflection" box in my environment settings (in settings in the Asset Editor), but a combination of two things made it work:

      1. wzfwzfwzf​ replied in this thread to a similar issue:

      So I changed my glass material to have refraction of "all channels" instead of just "color". That worked in my test file. But not the file I was working on.

      2. After reading your reply, I checked "Reflection" and "Refraction" boxes in the Environment tab in Settings (in Asset Editor) and that made the image appear.

      Result in the next comment (I can't seem to link and post an image in the same reply).

      Hello, first time fourm poster, so excuse me if I'm not following protocols... We are using Vray 5.20.06 with Sketchup 2022 We are architects with a simple question... When we render a glass material we would like to have a post process method (photoshop) to alter the look of a material behind the glass. We've tried


      • #4
        Here is the result. Getting there...! Thanks again.

