I'm gettting this goofy thing where some panes of glass are too clear and some are too tinted, not allowing any light to go anywhere. The same material is used for all of them. they should be a bronze colored glass, not a freaking limo tint. There should be stock portfolio managers in here, not pimps. However I wouldn't be opposed to portfolios of ho's which would then include pimps. yet I don't want it looking pimp-ish. Just pimp. I checked for hidden planes floating around creating havoc, alas, there are none. Simply Yoric, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy, screwing with my shit! There ya go. Shakespear AND beligerance in a single post. I win. Now I show picture:

[insert demands of justice, hotfixes and help here] I'll also send the file to Joe because I'm positive he doesn't have nearly enough crap falling out of his overstuffed box.

[insert demands of justice, hotfixes and help here] I'll also send the file to Joe because I'm positive he doesn't have nearly enough crap falling out of his overstuffed box.