Hello to everyone.I'm new here but i would like some help ! Pleeeeaase!
I'm in the middle of a project of an interior...my model uses about 120MB of space and when the rendering starts the frame buffer shows but before anything starts to happen it crushes by a message that is saying something like: visual c ++ runtime library Runtime error! Program C:\PG F\google\gs7\sketchup.exe runtime terminate in an unusual way
My error log says this:
About to make our qapp
after make qapp
Made it after UIManager.initialize
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ASGVIS\Python26\Lib\site-packages\Ft\Xml\InputSource.py:346: DeprecationWarning: functions overriding warnings.showwarning() must support the 'line' argument
FtWarning, 2)
FtWarning: Creation of InputSource without a URI
Entering renderArchive
About to start readArchive - C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data/ASGVIS/VfS/current_skp.xml
20.078000 seconds is how long it took to read C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data/ASGVIS/VfS/current_skp.xml
0.296000 seconds is how long it took us to correct the file paths for all external texture file references in the scene.
(to ensure this process goes as quickly as possible, please be sure all references to external texture files are correct prior to rendering)
2.297000 seconds is how long it took to add the plugins to our renderer
Also i have used the debugg for the material force
The memory status shown on the Win Os in the task manager at the moment of the render start shows a value of 1.203 Mb or Ram or 1.4 at another try
so it doesn't go over 1.5
i hope you could help me with this. thank you
I'm in the middle of a project of an interior...my model uses about 120MB of space and when the rendering starts the frame buffer shows but before anything starts to happen it crushes by a message that is saying something like: visual c ++ runtime library Runtime error! Program C:\PG F\google\gs7\sketchup.exe runtime terminate in an unusual way
My error log says this:
About to make our qapp
after make qapp
Made it after UIManager.initialize
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ASGVIS\Python26\Lib\site-packages\Ft\Xml\InputSource.py:346: DeprecationWarning: functions overriding warnings.showwarning() must support the 'line' argument
FtWarning, 2)
FtWarning: Creation of InputSource without a URI
Entering renderArchive
About to start readArchive - C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data/ASGVIS/VfS/current_skp.xml
20.078000 seconds is how long it took to read C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data/ASGVIS/VfS/current_skp.xml
0.296000 seconds is how long it took us to correct the file paths for all external texture file references in the scene.
(to ensure this process goes as quickly as possible, please be sure all references to external texture files are correct prior to rendering)
2.297000 seconds is how long it took to add the plugins to our renderer
Also i have used the debugg for the material force
The memory status shown on the Win Os in the task manager at the moment of the render start shows a value of 1.203 Mb or Ram or 1.4 at another try
so it doesn't go over 1.5
i hope you could help me with this. thank you