Thanks again for this great version of V-ray SketchUp. I have noticed the following issues:
1- Transparent png images shows up above viewport rendering.
2-V-rayBlendMtl and V-rayFastSSS2 materilals is not supported in the vrscene import, could you please provide us of what is not supported with Vrscene with the current version?.
3-Multi materials are using "V-Ray Texture Helper.png" image instead of "V-Ray Multi Material.png".
4-Vrmat materials that contain Color Correction which is exported from 3D Max takes different appearance than it should, to make look right I have to multiply the Color Correction values with value of 0.01.
5-The Save button for Irradiance map disk caching is not working when I set the mode to "Incremental add to current map".
6- If I use the "Auto-Save" chechbox instead of the save button while using "Incremental add to current map" mode,the progress bar will keep running even if the render is finished.
7-Coping and pasting A Two sided material to their sub material will make SketchUp crash.
Thanks again for this great version of V-ray SketchUp. I have noticed the following issues:
1- Transparent png images shows up above viewport rendering.
2-V-rayBlendMtl and V-rayFastSSS2 materilals is not supported in the vrscene import, could you please provide us of what is not supported with Vrscene with the current version?.
3-Multi materials are using "V-Ray Texture Helper.png" image instead of "V-Ray Multi Material.png".
4-Vrmat materials that contain Color Correction which is exported from 3D Max takes different appearance than it should, to make look right I have to multiply the Color Correction values with value of 0.01.
5-The Save button for Irradiance map disk caching is not working when I set the mode to "Incremental add to current map".
6- If I use the "Auto-Save" chechbox instead of the save button while using "Incremental add to current map" mode,the progress bar will keep running even if the render is finished.
7-Coping and pasting A Two sided material to their sub material will make SketchUp crash.