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Changeing Vray fabric colours?

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  • Changeing Vray fabric colours?

    Hello, I am attaching a pic of a rendering I am working on. Very new to Vray and wondering if and how I can change a colour of a fabric? Can I use a colour with specific RGB value?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    thank you

    Attached Files

  • #2

    You could use V-Ray's procedural texture - Color Correction - where you would slot the Bitmap texture and make the necessary adjustments. For more detailed information, please visit


    • #3
      Thank you Georgi, but not real sure what you mean? This is the part I don't really understand?

      To color-correct a specific texture using a Color Correction, simply right-click on the texture slot to bring up its context menu select Wrap In and choose Color Correction. This will place the existing texture within a Color Correction and then plug it in the original slot.

      Not sure what they mean by "This will place the existing texture within a Color Correction and then plug it in the original slot."

      Can I manually change the RGB value to get a exact color??

      Thank you!!



      • #4
        The Wrap In option is when the Bitmap texture is already slotted in the Diffuse parameter (or any other). It is a convenient way to quickly wrap it in the Color Correction procedural texture.

        Otherwise, you could start from scratch. Create a new material, slot the Color Correction texture in the Diffuse parameter, and then slot the Bitmap in the Color / Input parameter of the CC texture.

        Regarding the RGB values, this would not be possible with the Color Correction. However, please be informed that the Color Gain parameter (Bitmap > Color Manipulation) could be used in this case

