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Workflow or Best Practices for working with V-Ray Scenes in Sketchup (.vrscene)

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  • Workflow or Best Practices for working with V-Ray Scenes in Sketchup (.vrscene)

    I'm curious what the best workflow is for working with VRScene's in Sketchup.

    Example: I've created a vrscene that's quite complex containing multiple high quality mesh's in a singular sketchup file. I then save it as a vrscene file and import it into my bigger sketchup file. Works well, no issues. However lets say I want to make some changes to these scene in my original sketchup file. Do I just export it again as a vrscene and ovewrite the existing vrscene file and delete the vrscene from the larger sketchup file and reimport from scratch or is there some other steps I'm missing? Maybe you can just reload the vrscene without having to place the model again in its precise location? Are there any remnants or other items I should also be deleting like materials or purging unused before reimporting?

    I ask because honestly i'm probably pushing the boundaries of sketchup as far as detailed mesh's go and honestly should learn 3ds max but i'm a month deep into this model and I'm hoping I can finish it before starting my process of learning 3ds max and my computer is just struggling when working with the complexity of some of these files so deleting, reimporting, repositioning the vrscene etc can take sometimes 15-30 minutes of my computer locking up, chugging, etc so if there's a faster way to do this I'd love to know.

    Thanks for any help provided!

  • #2
    Hi marcus_olson

    In case you wish to make some changes in the original .skp file you are free to do so, and as you suggested, you can then override the existing .vrscene file. Changes should be immediately reflected upon rendering the main model. If you want to update all changes within the viewport, you can do so through the File Path Editor. Go to Extensions > V-Ray > File Path Editor, find the imported .vrscene and make sure to Repath it.

    There's no need to delete anything from the main SketchUp file or to re-import/re-adjust the .vrscene.

    I've recorded a short video demonstration for better visual understanding:

    Hope this will be of help!
    Nikoleta Garkova |


    • #3
      This is exactly the information I was looking for. Thanks Nikoleta! Super helpful!

