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ALIGNMENT PROBLEM IN VFB: Between Environment (Screen mapped image) and actual-drawn Geometry (Despite being correctly Photo-modeled at right place in Sketchup)

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  • ALIGNMENT PROBLEM IN VFB: Between Environment (Screen mapped image) and actual-drawn Geometry (Despite being correctly Photo-modeled at right place in Sketchup)


    I know it might have a simple fix to it but I am unable to reach to it... . A few pointers from experienced and most-helpful people here would greatly assist me please. Thanks in advance ! Here is my problem: -

    I am trying to Photomatch and Virtual-stage an empty room interior, with a few pieces of furniture (Please see the first attached image titled "BARESHELL BACKGROUND IMAGE.jpg"). I am doing everything exactly as specified in some youtube virtual staging videos that I have seen, using the Wrapper material with Matte property for geometry of walls, ceiling and floor etc, and all that is coming out fine. I am also following mapping correctly, by providing "Screen" mapped image as background to the Environment and Secondary Matte slots, and by providing "Spherically" mapped background image to the GI & Reflection slots in the settings. I have also provided correct multipliers to the above mentioned respective 4 settings (Kindly see the second attached screenshot titled "VRAY SETTINGS.jpg", showing the Environment, GI, Reflection and Secondary Matte slots) so as to match the intensity of the opaque furniture materials with the approx. intensity of the room's lighting, which is lit by sunlight. I have provided rectangle lights (as suggested in the youtube videos) in place of the windows, which resembles sunlight, and matched its intensity too. Lastly, I have also ensured that the Rendered output image size is exactly the same size in pixel dimensions as the original image's dimensions.

    I have ALSO checked (and re-checked) that my photo-modeled scene is absolutely correct with regards to the geometry/ geometries that I have modeled for walls, floor and ceiling, and that I have correctly inserted rectangle lights at the right location inside my Sketchup scene at the exact same locations as of the windows. (Please see the attached image titled "SKETCHUP SCREENSHOT.jpg"; as well as "SKETCHUP SCENE+BG IMAGE OVERLAY.jpg". EVERYTHING appears to be at the right location in the Sketchup viewport.

    HOWEVER, when I render the Photo-Matched scene in Vray Framebuffer, the image shown in the background of the framebuffer DOES NOT ALIGN with the geometry, and the geometry of the 3d model gets shifted to one side and gets dis-aligned. Please see the fourth attached image titled "FINAL RENDERED IMAGE.jpg". Ideally these shoud be 100% aligned with each other, as seen inside the Sketchup viewport. But they are not, and the geometry appears shifted and away from the actual locations of the image's objects. As you can see, despite my having placed the VRay Rectangle light in the exactly correct location inside Sketchup's photo-modeled geometry, it appears shifted and away from the window when rendered in the Framebuffer window.

    Can somebody please help me in this regard and advise a fix, as I have tried looking up everywhere on the net for a solution without success..
    Click image for larger version

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    MANY THANKS IN ADVANCE for the help !

    Ar. Nitin Sharma

  • #2
    Here is my photo match - Render workflow..



    • #3
      You have to strech the viewport horizantally, set the output option to "viewport", after every strech click on "uptade" button in the render output until you reach the exact size of the image.. Add the image to the background as environment-screen, and add the same image to the secondary matte as environment-screen.. Done..
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Dear Kenancakir !

        THANK YOU !! I don't have words to express how grateful I am for your having solved that issue. The Framebuffer now correctly displays the location of the lights and the camera FOV has also corrected to be matching with the image FOV ! Please see the attached image. Many thanks sir !!

        Click image for larger version

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ID:	1106195Click image for larger version

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        When I change the color of the sofa leather to WHITE COLOR, STRANGE RED SHADOW COMES BELOW THE SOFAS (please see the next image....)

        Click image for larger version

Name:	a3.JPG
Views:	299
Size:	479.9 KB
ID:	1106197

        I wonder why that is coming.

        If I change the sofa color to anything else (other than white), then this problem goes away and there are no red shadows.... BUT.... UNOFRTUNATELY, MY CLIENT WANTS TO HAVE THE SOFAS SHOWN IN WHITE COLOR.. Could you kindly also help me with this issue...? I really wanted to thank you in whatever manner possible... YOU ARE THE BEST!

        Waiting for a revert from your side please... MANY THANKS !

        (If you want I can send you the Sketchup File also).. Thanks AGAIN !



        • #5
          Originally posted by Macho3001 View Post

          (If you want I can send you the Sketchup File also).. Thanks AGAIN !

          Hi, if you share the file i can try (i use skp 2019), but first check if there is any reversed faces on the sofa or not, may be you use red for backfaces, or backfaces are painted with red..
          Last edited by kenancakir; 08-03-2021, 05:56 AM.


          • #6
            Dear Mr. Kenancakir

            Many thanks for helping me out on this. I truly and deeply appreciate this and am obliged !

            I checked, there are no back faces in red or being painted in red below the sofas. I have given below the link to download the Sketchup file for your perusal, along with the reference Virtual staging room image. Do kindly let me know what is going wrong here please... Many many thanks again !!


            Ar. Nitin Sharma


            • #7
              Originally posted by Macho3001 View Post
              Dear Mr. Kenancakir

              Many thanks for helping me out on this. I truly and deeply appreciate this and am obliged !

              I checked, there are no back faces in red or being painted in red below the sofas. I have given below the link to download the Sketchup file for your perusal, along with the reference Virtual staging room image. Do kindly let me know what is going wrong here please... Many many thanks again !!


              Ar. Nitin Sharma
              There is no red reflection in interactive rendering, but in production rendering it appears.. I will let you know if i understand the problem..


              • #8
                Last edited by kenancakir; 08-03-2021, 09:29 AM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Macho3001 View Post
                  Dear Mr. Kenancakir

                  Many thanks for helping me out on this. I truly and deeply appreciate this and am obliged !

                  I checked, there are no back faces in red or being painted in red below the sofas. I have given below the link to download the Sketchup file for your perusal, along with the reference Virtual staging room image. Do kindly let me know what is going wrong here please... Many many thanks again !!


                  Ar. Nitin Sharma
                  Choosing "disabled" instead of "environment projection" fix the issue you have, in matte section of the wrapper material settings..

                  One of your rectangle light is not set as invisible also but not related the issue of course..
                  Last edited by kenancakir; 08-03-2021, 09:40 AM.


                  • #10
                    Here is the resault..

                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      Leaving your settings as it is, and reducing "receive gi" value of the wrapper material to 0,01 also solves the issue, you may need some adjustments for your lights after that, spot light intensity for example..
                      Here is the resault..
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by kenancakir; 08-03-2021, 10:39 AM.


                      • #12
                        Many thanks for your revert dear Mr. Kenancakir.. Though the red shadow has gone, but the Glass Center Table in the middle becomes nearly black... (please see the attached two images; one rendered with the Matte for secondary set as "Environment Projection", and the other with Matte for secondary set as "Disabled" (as you have suggested)... Though now the red shadow problem has been solved, but the glass table problem has arisen... could you please check this also... Many thanks sir !!

                        Click image for larger version

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ID:	1106386


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Macho3001 View Post
                          Many thanks for your revert dear Mr. Kenancakir.. Though the red shadow has gone, but the Glass Center Table in the middle becomes nearly black... (please see the attached two images; one rendered with the Matte for secondary set as "Environment Projection", and the other with Matte for secondary set as "Disabled" (as you have suggested)... Though now the red shadow problem has been solved, but the glass table problem has arisen... could you please check this also... Many thanks sir !!
                          You should aply the glass material to the backfaces also, easily aply it from outside of the group to the surface..


                          • #14
                            And you may like the second solution i post, don't miss to try it..


                            • #15
                              Sir, applying the front and back faces with the glass material makes the glass look totally black.. also, the CHROME LEG PIECE OF THE SOFA renders as black.... Please see the attached image..

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	a6.JPG
Views:	315
Size:	160.5 KB
ID:	1106400

                              ALSO, regarding your second solution: -
                              Originally posted by kenancakir View Post
                              Leaving your settings as it is, and reducing "receive gi" value of the wrapper material to 0,01 also solves the issue, you may need some adjustments for your lights after that, spot light intensity for example..
                              Here is the resault..
                              I am unable to locate the "Receive GI value" setting location in the settings for the wrapper material... Could you please send me a snapshot of the same... Thanks.

