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Vray gpu 5 two sided material with Thickness

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  • Vray gpu 5 two sided material with Thickness

    Hi Konstantin

    I downloaded the fredo plugin joint push pull and with this great plugin i can give thickness to lamps.

    With sketchup this does not work, but the joint push pull is great to work with curves and curved objects.

    What i can see is that it looks so much better with thickness, with out thickness the lamp look some kind flat and at the same time kind of burn out, also the light does not spread as it should be.

    Also it almost does not take more time than with out thikness

    For trees this is impossible i cant give thicknees to them, but lamps and curtains are very different.

    with 2 sided material and thinkness like .001 the lamps and curtains really really looks nice.

    It preserves energy inside the lamp, does not has burn areas, the texture is lighted so much better and if you want to shoot a close render for a detail, this is going to look even nicer.

    Also the reflections looks even better, the lens effects look really nice

    Because in real life all the objects has thickness.

    Also light cache didnt take more time, the lamps renders as fast as it is with or with out thinkness is the same.

    I didnt get a bug.

    It worked perfectly

    I already know that vray 2 sided material works with out thikness, but in my experiments 2 sided material with thinkness looks so much better.

    Did you ever try this???
    Documents say it is not recomended to use thickness with vray 2 sided material.

    I do not agree here...It worked and worked really nice, no single issue.

    Thanks Konstantin

    Im going to share later some examples here
    Last edited by luisgamino2; 19-11-2023, 01:44 PM.

  • #2
    I forgot to mention too, that with thickness the material has an option to use really small amount of refraction, so this small plugin open a total new way to work with 2 sided material.

    Im really happy with joint push pull plugin, amazing effects with 2 sided material and a little bit of thickness.

    I use pergamine for my lamps in my houses in real life and i have seen that 2 sided material with out thickness never looks like in real life.

    I believe all the vray for sketchup users should use thickness in cases where you can or you have this small plugin.
    Last edited by luisgamino2; 19-11-2023, 03:28 PM.


    • #3
      You are correct, the Two-sided material works when there's thickness too even though it was not designed to be used in this situation.
      The reason is simple - there are GI light bounces inside the volume as if it was hollow.
      If you disable GI (as a test) you will see that no light would pass.

      So, if you like the result it's an acceptable workflow.

      Here's an old project in which we've also used 2-sided material to shade most objects:

      Click image for larger version

Name:	plasticModel_06.jpg
Views:	146
Size:	452.4 KB
ID:	1199440


