The file I'm currently working on has suddenly become difficult to work with. When I hit render SU becomes unresponsive and just sits there, eating CPU. The V-Ray windows doesn't even appear.
I've tried letting it just work. Once it took about five minutes and the V-Ray window appeared and it started rendering. Then the second time it just sat there for about 30 minutes where as I eventually force quit the app. I've tried restarting SU and relaoding the app, but the same thing happens. It just sits there.
I've not applied any V-RAY materials yet. Only SU mats.
I've tried letting it just work. Once it took about five minutes and the V-Ray window appeared and it started rendering. Then the second time it just sat there for about 30 minutes where as I eventually force quit the app. I've tried restarting SU and relaoding the app, but the same thing happens. It just sits there.
I've not applied any V-RAY materials yet. Only SU mats.