I am rendering a simple corridor image and using SU sun. But I get funny shadows/light shape coming from windows. I checked model and there are no artifacts in the window opening or window model.
I am using IRmap+LC. camera: shutter speed 30, f-number: 6, ISO:125, GI/Background: SKY, Image sampler: Adaptive subdivision, anti-aliasing: catmun cull, Color mapping: HSV exponential.
please image
I am rendering a simple corridor image and using SU sun. But I get funny shadows/light shape coming from windows. I checked model and there are no artifacts in the window opening or window model.
I am using IRmap+LC. camera: shutter speed 30, f-number: 6, ISO:125, GI/Background: SKY, Image sampler: Adaptive subdivision, anti-aliasing: catmun cull, Color mapping: HSV exponential.
please image