Re: New V-Ray (1.48.66) won't render
IWASACLOUD - If your issues match the original poster's issues, then you don't need to open a separate thread for that, but the other issues you say you have, should be in a different thread since they're not related.
SHINKAKASHI- The error message talking about the TEMP folder being full, isn't one of our error messages, that's why nobody's gotten an answer about that error in this forum. I don't doubt that it's being caused by something our plugin does, but it's not an error that we generate ourselves. We also have been unable to reproduce the error on any of our machines.
We have had some reports about displacement and transparency causing some issues. Displacement does't render in a material preview (the preview ends up just black). Displacement also has some new parameters in this version, now you can control displacement on a per material basis. I don't know if any of your materials use displacement, but if they do, you may want to increase the edge length of the displacement. Transparency has been slowing down renders in some cases. Specifically with any scenes that have very intricate transparency maps (that's really all I've tested so far) such as vegetation. If you take out the transparency maps for the vegetation materials, does that change anything?
Oh wow, here's a question, what resolution are you trying to render out? I can't believe I missed this one ::smacks forehead::. Does the scene render if you just lower the output to something tiny like 320x240?
TOURNIQUETMASTER - When you regenerate all of the V-Ray materials, we just delete anything material related on the V-Ray side, and then treat the SketchUp scene like it would be handled if it had no V-Ray data, so all you end up with is some V-Ray materials the correspond with a SketchUp material, but the only layer in the material is a diffuse layer. If you save all of your materials prior to running that tool, and then import all of the materials back in after running the tool, you should be fine. I guess that old scene had something messed up in it. I'm glad we were able to salvage it. By the way, did the Force Sync for all Materials tool not work? If there's a material problem, generally the sync tool should fix it.
IWASACLOUD - If your issues match the original poster's issues, then you don't need to open a separate thread for that, but the other issues you say you have, should be in a different thread since they're not related.
SHINKAKASHI- The error message talking about the TEMP folder being full, isn't one of our error messages, that's why nobody's gotten an answer about that error in this forum. I don't doubt that it's being caused by something our plugin does, but it's not an error that we generate ourselves. We also have been unable to reproduce the error on any of our machines.

We have had some reports about displacement and transparency causing some issues. Displacement does't render in a material preview (the preview ends up just black). Displacement also has some new parameters in this version, now you can control displacement on a per material basis. I don't know if any of your materials use displacement, but if they do, you may want to increase the edge length of the displacement. Transparency has been slowing down renders in some cases. Specifically with any scenes that have very intricate transparency maps (that's really all I've tested so far) such as vegetation. If you take out the transparency maps for the vegetation materials, does that change anything?
Oh wow, here's a question, what resolution are you trying to render out? I can't believe I missed this one ::smacks forehead::. Does the scene render if you just lower the output to something tiny like 320x240?
TOURNIQUETMASTER - When you regenerate all of the V-Ray materials, we just delete anything material related on the V-Ray side, and then treat the SketchUp scene like it would be handled if it had no V-Ray data, so all you end up with is some V-Ray materials the correspond with a SketchUp material, but the only layer in the material is a diffuse layer. If you save all of your materials prior to running that tool, and then import all of the materials back in after running the tool, you should be fine. I guess that old scene had something messed up in it. I'm glad we were able to salvage it. By the way, did the Force Sync for all Materials tool not work? If there's a material problem, generally the sync tool should fix it.