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Rendering Problems - Large Models - Need Help

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  • Rendering Problems - Large Models - Need Help

    Hello There! I am hoping to get some advice on a very large model I have created. I am running a quad core with SU 7.1 and VFSU 1.48.94 and have 6 gigs of RAM. My scene is poulated with lots of materials as well as tons of 2D tree face me components for background trees. See Scene Below:

    I will need to create some renderings for several still views (size :3200 1600) in approximatley 1 week. The model is already built and ready for test rendering, except, IT WONT RENDER. The scene parses fine and gets to the VFB and even partway through the first pass. Then the rendering crashes, and I get a VFSU Error "Not Enough Space In TEMP Folder". See Below:

    Also the VFSU error log reads:

    =========System Information=========
    platform = win32
    country = UnitedStates
    language = English
    About to make our qapp
    after make qapp
    Made it after UIManager.initialize
    C:\ProgramData\ASGVIS\Python26\Lib\site-packages\Ft\Xml\ DeprecationWarning: functions overriding warnings.showwarning() must support the 'line' argument
    FtWarning, 2)
    FtWarning: Creation of InputSource without a URI
    Entering renderArchive
    About to start readArchive - C:\ProgramData/ASGVIS/VfS/current_skp.xml
    7.207000 seconds is how long it took to read C:\ProgramData/ASGVIS/VfS/current_skp.xml
    18.128000 seconds is how long it took us to correct the file paths for all external texture file references in the scene.
    (to ensure this process goes as quickly as possible, please be sure all references to external texture files are correct prior to rendering)
    1.653000 seconds is how long it took to add the plugins to our renderer

    I have had this error before, but I have tried purging the model, force sync materials, purge texture cache folder, etc, etc....and still no rendering. I have posted my model here. I would appreciate if anyone can take a look at the model and point out anything I may be missing when it comes to large model management. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Download Scenes Here :

  • #2
    Re: Rendering Problems - Large Models - Need Help

    Hey there,
    have you tried rendering to .vrimg?



    • #3
      Re: Rendering Problems - Large Models - Need Help

      I have tried rendering a vray raw image file , and it is still happening..... :-[


      • #4
        Re: Rendering Problems - Large Models - Need Help

        Hi - tried the same thing. The problem is the size of your materials. Are you using super high resolution images for bricks, concrete etc.? I bet if you remove materials the model will render just fine. That vray for sketchup can´t render heavy materials is a joke....


        • #5
          Re: Rendering Problems - Large Models - Need Help

          Turn the override material option on, and see if it renders (Like erik said), if it renders, then resize the images as you don't obviously need such high quality textures when the camera is so far away. Best.


          • #6
            Re: Rendering Problems - Large Models - Need Help

            Actually, does that grass have displacement? if so, then i bet you that's the problem, you need to subdivide it more, increase the edge amount / decrease subdivisions.


            • #7
              Re: Rendering Problems - Large Models - Need Help

              That vray for sketchup can´t render heavy materials is a joke....
              It all depends on the settings in the scene. The real issue is memory usage . If you have materials that use displacement, there's going to be a ton more memory usage than if the materials didn't use displacement. (grass for example) A lot of people crank up some settings in the render options, hoping to achieve a better quality image, but in the long run they just end up using up more memory and cpu resources than necessary, and getting the same quality output (or a crash if they run out of resources). We are working to get away from the 32-bit limitations that we have been stuck with since our product was first released, but he haven't quite been able to do it yet. We had been hoping that a new release of SketchUp would be 64-bit, but it seems they're stuck in 32-bit land -sigh-
              Best regards,
              Devin Kendig

              Chaos Group


              • #8
                Re: Rendering Problems - Large Models - Need Help

                Originally posted by dkendig
                That vray for sketchup can´t render heavy materials is a joke....
                It all depends on the settings in the scene. The real issue is memory usage . If you have materials that use displacement, there's going to be a ton more memory usage than if the materials didn't use displacement. (grass for example) A lot of people crank up some settings in the render options, hoping to achieve a better quality image, but in the long run they just end up using up more memory and cpu resources than necessary, and getting the same quality output (or a crash if they run out of resources). We are working to get away from the 32-bit limitations that we have been stuck with since our product was first released, but he haven't quite been able to do it yet. We had been hoping that a new release of SketchUp would be 64-bit, but it seems they're stuck in 32-bit land -sigh-
                AH - come on. U are actually blaiming 32bit/64bit for all the crashes ?? How about the programming was better so that vray4SU didn´t go beserk and use 100% of everything on the computer no matter what you are rendering?? Even on a I7 with 6 cores it still uses 100 % of each one... Thats just bad programming....


                • #9
                  Re: Rendering Problems - Large Models - Need Help

                  Originally posted by erik.nord
                  Originally posted by dkendig
                  That vray for sketchup can´t render heavy materials is a joke....
                  It all depends on the settings in the scene. The real issue is memory usage . If you have materials that use displacement, there's going to be a ton more memory usage than if the materials didn't use displacement. (grass for example) A lot of people crank up some settings in the render options, hoping to achieve a better quality image, but in the long run they just end up using up more memory and cpu resources than necessary, and getting the same quality output (or a crash if they run out of resources). We are working to get away from the 32-bit limitations that we have been stuck with since our product was first released, but he haven't quite been able to do it yet. We had been hoping that a new release of SketchUp would be 64-bit, but it seems they're stuck in 32-bit land -sigh-
                  AH - come on. U are actually blaiming 32bit/64bit for all the crashes ?? How about the programming was better so that vray4SU didn´t go beserk and use 100% of everything on the computer no matter what you are rendering?? Even on a I7 with 6 cores it still uses 100 % of each one... Thats just bad programming....
                  Then go buy Rhino and have no problems. ;D


                  • #10
                    Re: Rendering Problems - Large Models - Need Help

                    U are actually blaiming 32bit/64bit for all the crashes ??
                    Nah, not all of them. The majority of crashes we see are related to the SketchUp process creeping up on the 32-bit memory limitation though. I'm also only talking about actual crashes, not errors. The errors are definitely from bad programming though! ::blushes:: We are trying to correct any bugs we find though, and we're always looking for vocal users on our forum to join our beta testing team. The more feedback we have about the latest builds, the better the product will be!
                    Best regards,
                    Devin Kendig

                    Chaos Group


                    • #11
                      Re: Rendering Problems - Large Models - Need Help

                      Read this post


                      I was trying to get some direction from Sketchup Team members



                      • #12
                        Re: Rendering Problems - Large Models - Need Help

                        Justin, your efforts are appreciated. We have come to the same conclusion, they're just not going to head in the direction we had hoped they would. So we are working on doing pretty much the exact thing they mentioned, working around their limitations. We could use the export method, but we've been told by our community that they like that you don't have to export the scene, they like vfs to be integrated like it is. So we need to find a happy medium. We're getting there.
                        Best regards,
                        Devin Kendig

                        Chaos Group


                        • #13
                          Re: Rendering Problems - Large Models - Need Help

                          Your right, I do have some high quality textures. And I do have displacement set on the grass. In the mean time I will see if changing some of the texture sizes and modifying the displacement values work. Thanks for the comments, I'll let you know how it goes.


                          • #14
                            Re: Rendering Problems - Large Models - Need Help

                            if you can't get it to work, hopefully our next public release will have some fixes that will help.
                            Best regards,
                            Devin Kendig

                            Chaos Group


                            • #15
                              Re: Rendering Problems - Large Models - Need Help

                              Get rid of the whole displacement channel, that'll save you some precious resources and time.
                              Take good grass textures instead, scatter them over the different grass areas and you'll be perfectly fine!

