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Dirt Effect over Stone Texture

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  • Dirt Effect over Stone Texture

    I want to add a dirt effect to this SU material. Following several tutorials hasn't helped me yet. I tried to add another diffuse layer with the Texdirt setting and the TexAcolor set but the effect doesn't show up. If I try to alter the first Diffuse layer it makes the stone texture go away.

    I was able to make the dirt effect on an object with just a color but I want it to appear over the stone which is a bitmap in the diffuse layer. Any tips?

  • #2
    Re: Dirt Effect over Stone Texture

    VfSU links the top diffuse layer with SU.

    So you need three layers for this.

    The top one is the original one - we need to make this one invisible. Add a white TexAColor to this layer's transparency slot.
    Then add a new layer with the dirt texture. ( should like you should have the dirt texture in the transparancy so you can see through to the next one.)
    Then a third layer at the bottom - a TexBitmap with the same bitmap as your original top one.

    The effect is that you simply use the top one to provide the UV coords that VfSU needs - then you do your mixing and blending in the layers underneat.
    Please mention what V-Ray and SketchUp version you are using when posting questions.


    • #3
      Re: Dirt Effect over Stone Texture

      Thanks thomthom, worked great in the render. The only negative is that now all of the walls with the stone appear transparent in the SU model - any way around that?


      • #4
        Re: Dirt Effect over Stone Texture

        you have miss understood thomthom,

        the top diffuse layer should have your stone texture in the diffuse slot, then click on the m for transparancy and set it from none to TexColor in the drop down tab, then set the colour to white in the new menu that appears. The walls in the SU viewport where the stone texture applied will now be visible, just Vray will now ignore that diffuse layer.

        kind regards


        • #5
          Re: Dirt Effect over Stone Texture

          Yes, what Dean said, it's important to choose the TexAColor map type - not just setting the transparancy colour white.

          That ensures the top diffuse is visible in SU, but invisible in VfSU.
          Please mention what V-Ray and SketchUp version you are using when posting questions.


          • #6
            Re: Dirt Effect over Stone Texture

            That's perfect, worked like a charm! Thanks for your time, guys.

            Now I can wrestle with a different lesson in VFSU.


            • #7
              Re: Dirt Effect over Stone Texture

              Or you can use two layer. One as Thomthom said to setup the UV mapping and a second layer with the dirt mapping. I put my texture in the white color (m) and the color of my dirt in the Black color. Also you can use another texture on the black color to get your dirt effect.

              Dirt material

              second layer of my dirt material

              Final result



              • #8
                Re: Dirt Effect over Stone Texture

                Hello Fernando

                Well, this works great, too. What's the advantage of one way over the other? Your approach seem's to save a small amount of time by eleminating the extra diffuse layer, other than that the render results were the same. Would some other layer or effect be affected negatively by one approach more than the other?

                Thanks for your tutorials! I watched this brick wall tutorial over and over and I just didn't understand the heiarchy and how to organize things. It all made perfect sense to me but until now, I couldn't get my head around it. All of your tutorials are a great resource for us.


                • #9
                  Re: Dirt Effect over Stone Texture

                  What's the advantage of one way over the other? Your approach seem's to save a small amount of time by eleminating the extra diffuse layer, other than that the render results were the same.
                  Basically is the same. No advantage at all, just save time.



                  • #10
                    Re: Dirt Effect over Stone Texture

                    Nice one Fernando. That's tidier than my variant.
                    Please mention what V-Ray and SketchUp version you are using when posting questions.


                    • #11
                      Re: Dirt Effect over Stone Texture

                      the transparency workaround where texAcolor is placed in the trasparency slot, does it apply to 1.48.xx only? or can be applied to the previous 1.05?
                      thanks thomthoma and fernando for the dirt tutorial ;D


                      • #12
                        Re: Dirt Effect over Stone Texture

                        Yes, in older version it was called AColor
                        Please mention what V-Ray and SketchUp version you are using when posting questions.


                        • #13
                          Re: Dirt Effect over Stone Texture

                          to fpedrogo

                          What layer ("Brick") is seen on your picture?


                          • #14
                            Re: Dirt Effect over Stone Texture

                            oh yeah, the name "brick" is included as a layer name instead of "diffuse"? this is what you mean?


                            • #15
                              Re: Dirt Effect over Stone Texture

                              yes, thank you

