Hi guys,
I`m having some reflection/refraction/bump issue and don`t know whats the cause.
As You can see on the exterior scene I`m getting some strange artifacts/dots in some reflection areas /car tyre and corresponding beton floor next to it, entrance door area - look for the zooms/;
then the wall material on the inside of window is going `crazy` - white dots etc.the same material on a wall in the hall just behind the intrance door is normal. /the craziness seems to appear on a refraction pass/; got the same effect on a night render..
lastly - I`ve added a slight bump to the grass texture - it looks normal, but the closer to the camera/observator I`m getting some black dots; the bump thing appeared similar on another render I did - interior and a carpet material...so I think its not a reason of a settings thing.
All the reflective materials have something like 32 subdiv.
the grass/carpet don`t have reflection layer.
I don`t know what can be the cause..I`ve been looking on the forum for anything similar/solution, but couldn`t find one.
Thanks/dzieki/gracias por ajuda/vielen dank for Your help!
y saludas a todos!