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better material control

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  • better material control

    My wishlist consists of a more streamlined and stable material control setup.

    1. Vray materials visible in viewports
    2. Sketchup texture tools work on vray materials
    3. Ability to link map settings (offset, tilting etc.) from diffuse to bump and displacement channels so when you make changes to diffuse they would change in bump and vice versa. (This would grealty speed up tweaking out materials as we would only have to enter settings once when changing out scales etc. when maps need to share settings)
    4. Tiling in vray that is relative to a real world scale like sketchup, not a percentage of the map resolution (if that is what it currently is)
    5. Ability to switch between which map channels are visible in the viewport, so that we can turn off diffuse map, and turn on bump. This would allow users to tweak settings for each map in real time when maps operate independant of one another

    Many of these may have already been discussed or mentioned I realize from previous posts that Sketchup has an unusual UV setup, but I hope there is a way to make the material setup a bit more efficient and useful.

  • #2
    Re: better material control

    Integrating our material process into a more SketchUp-esque workflow will be a major part of our future endeavors. I think it is pretty much set where it is at for now.

    I really like your idea of multiple map channels, something I previously couldn't really think of a good way to make it happen. But perhaps we can make a kind of add-on to the SketchUp uv editor in which we can store the UVs as you edit, which would allow for multiple map channels and a means of "switching" which is editable in the viewport. It will be a big undertaking I'm sure, but that would really make the uv stuff astronomically easier for you guys.

    Thanks for you thoughts.
    Best regards,
    Joe Bacigalupa

    Chaos Group


    • #3
      Re: better material control


      i hope this multi channel thing will materialized, seems val gave you a solution which will become another breaktrough in terms of mapping in su.


      • #4
        Re: better material control

        Yes - I think that is a great idea, and the only hope for being able to really take advantage of bump mapping and displacement without painstaking effort. I wish I had thought of it myself
        Best regards,
        Joe Bacigalupa

        Chaos Group


        • #5
          Re: better material control

          ...And please consider the option to link more that 1 SU material at the time.
          This can't be to difficult to implement.
          If we would just have the option to click and select the whole list of SU materials to make Vraylinked materials automatically, this would save me some hours.



          • #6
            Re: better material control

            Yes- I wanted to get your idea of having all Sketchup materials linked automatically for this release but I just ran out of time.
            Best regards,
            Joe Bacigalupa

            Chaos Group


            • #7
              Re: better material control

              Originally posted by Joe B
              Yes- I wanted to get your idea of having all Sketchup materials linked automatically for this release but I just ran out of time.
              He, worries. ;D
              I will wait for that.
              If we would just be able to use 'shift+click' in the vraylinkedmaterial dialogue to select more than one SU material, that would be all that is needed.

              Thanks for the reply.

