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Light Baking In Multiple Bake Textures Instead of a Single Texture

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  • Light Baking In Multiple Bake Textures Instead of a Single Texture

    As demonstrated in the webinar, when starting the light baking process you're presented with a single large texture image rendering over time (4kx2k in the webinar example). This can be stopped by clicking the Red "Stop" button, or canceled by closing the window.

    Problem, when I start my light baking process I am presented with a single large texture image rendering, then when its complete another one starts at 1kx1k, then another one, then another one, after clicking the Red "Stop" button, it stops that current window, but another one starts, rinse and repeat. Had to cancel because I am uncertain how long it will continue. There is no indication how many times this process will repeat. Is there an option to only use a single large texture for light baking? My settings are pretty identical to the webinar. But my scene is much larger. Interior restaurant.

  • #2
    Hi, Teriander

    I am presented with a single large texture image rendering, then when its complete another one starts at 1kx1k,
    The 1kx1k texture minimum limit is set for performance reasons. If the texture is larger then you will have larger RAM consumption. In the future we will add the ability to manually set the atlas resolution. There is a way to see how many atlases there are to render. You just have to open either the Output log (Window>Developer Tools>Output Log) or the Message log (Window>Developer Tools>Message Log) and there is a print that says how many atlases need to be baked and how many are done:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	BakeAtlases.png
Views:	184
Size:	243.4 KB
ID:	1019863

    Best regards,
    Alexander Atanasov

    V-Ray for Unreal & Chaos Vantage QA



    • #3

      Thanks for the atlases reference. My scene has a total of 50 atlases. This explains why I kept pressing stop without an end in sight.

      But even with draft settings this is taking an extremely long time to bake. Could take a few hours to complete. Timing it now. Definitely longer than the default Light Build in UE4 set to high quality. My scene is a large restaurant and entirely properly unwrapped for light maps. It contains many dining booths and tables with cloth. The lighting is filled with UE4 lights and a V-Ray dome with a V-ray sun. Any suggestions to reduce bake time? A majority of my scenes will be this size or larger.


      • #4
        Hi, Teriander

        Can you please send screenshots from the V-Ray Settings tab and the Logs folder located in the Project_Name/Saved/Logs so we can examine what is happening during the export. You can send them at

        Best regards,
        Alexander Atanasov

        V-Ray for Unreal & Chaos Vantage QA



        • #5

          Email sent. From



          • #6

            It's been eight days, has my files received you well? Do you have any questions? I'm still searching for a solution and my trial period is running out.


            • #7
              Hi Teriander,

              We received your scene and we are still looking into it. The holidaysead to some delay, but we will update you when we have more information on what causes the issue. Please make sure you check your e-mail as well.

              Best regards,


              • #8

                I am having the exact same issue. Even with a super small simple scene with 10 objects, which are not complex objects at all.


                • #9
                  Hi GxBANGER,

                  As mentioned above currently there is a 1024x1024 atlas size limit for performance reasons. If you have 1 object with lightmap size over 1024 then this object will have its own atlas, and other objects with smaller lightmaps will share a render atlas. In the next update it is planned to add the ability to set the atlas resolution and other settings for V-Ray Bake.

                  Best regards,
                  Alexander Atanasov

                  V-Ray for Unreal & Chaos Vantage QA


